Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 1/27/05


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), M. Bauer (CS), C. Hall (BME), J. Kallend (MMAE), J. Lederman (MSED), J. LoCicero (ECE), J. O'Leary (CAE), M. Poros (SOC), M. Power (HUM), G. Pullliam (HUM), G. Saletta (ECE), E. Stueben (MATH), J. Twombly (IBIS).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: B. Benner (Admissions), C. Orze (Ed. Serv.).


Attending Guests: R. Ayman (Psyc), K. Smith (OMSS), K. Stagliano (BCPS), C. Stewart (Library), G. Welter (Ed. Serv).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business with thirteen voting members present.


The minutes of the meetings of 11/11/04 are approved.


It is moved and seconded that the UGSC endorses the joint degree program with the Illinois College of Optometry leading to an IIT BS in Biology (in the fourth year) and an ICO Doctor of Optometry (in the seventh year).

The motion passes (13/0).


Prof. Saletta presents the UGSC with a statistical study of the CUM GPA level of graduating students in the years 2000-2004.

It is moved and seconded that the three categories of graduation with honors be set at

summa cum laude = GPA ¬„ 3.90

magna cum laude = GPA ¬„ 3.80

cum laude = GPA ¬„ 3.50

It is moved and seconded that the UGSC reconsider the question

The motion to reconsider passes (8/3).


On behalf of the Institute of Psychology, Prof. Ayman presented a proposal for a Certificate in Industrial Training.


Prof. Kallend notes that the UGSC has more business before it than it can handle in one meeting each month. The Chair of the UGSC agrees and states his intention to call additional meetings.



Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the USC.