Undergraduate Studies Committee

Minutes of a Special Meeting, 1/29/01


Members Present: P. Anderson, M. Bauer, S. Cooper, S. Elbaz, J. Kallend,  J.

LoCicero, A. Megri, P. Nash, J. O'Leary, C. Orze, R. Price, G. Pulliam, 

G. Saletta, R. Schleser, S. Sitton, E. Stueben, T. Tagliavia, G. Voland,

C. Wark, J. Way. 


Visitors:  P. Barrett, W. Grimshaw.


1. Prof. Kallend opened the meeting, stating that it had been called at the

request of Profs. LoCicero and O'Leary, and that Dean Myerson had asked

Prof. Kallend to open the meeting.  Kallend  read the following statement

from Dean Myerson:  "Please inform the committee that I do not feel I can

participate or be part of this activity and I would request that any action

taken by the committee note that I have recused myself. "


2. Prof. Kallend asked for nominations for a member to serve as acting chair

for this special meeting. Prof. LoCicero nominated Prof. Kallend. The

nomination was seconded . There being no further nominations, Prof. Kallend

agreed to act as chair.


3. Prof. LoCicero passed out copies of a resolution (attached) and moved

that the resolution be approved by the committee. Professor O'Leary seconded

the motion.  Extensive discussion followed (Bauer, Saletta, LoCicero,

Barrett, Grimshaw, Sitton, Orze,  Kallend, Voland, O'Leary) . VP Stuart

Cooper answered a number of questions clarifying the proposed role of the

Dean of the Undergraduate College.


Prof. O'Leary moved that consideration of the main motion be by secret

ballot. This motion was seconded and approved.


A secret ballot was conducted on the motion to approve the attached

resolution, with the following result:


        votes in favor : 12,

        votes against: 2


Prof. Kallend stated that a copy of the resolution will be forwarded to the

chair of the Main Campus Faculty Council.


4. Meeting adjourned






Undergraduate Studies Committee                              January 29, 2001


Be it hereby resolved at a Special Meeting of the Undergraduate

            Studies Committee, that


Whereas Vice-President Cooper addressed the Undergraduate Studies

            Committee three years ago regarding the administration

            of Undergraduate Programs at IIT, and


Whereas Vice-President Cooper, at that time, disassembled the

            Undergraduate College and the Office of the Undergraduate

            Dean, and


Whereas Vice-President Cooper informed the Undergraduate Studies

            Committee that said disassembling of the Undergraduate College

            was to make way for an Armour College Dean, and an

            Interprofessional Projects Director, and


Whereas the organization of an Armour College Dean, and an

            Interprofessional Projects Director, has been efficiently

            administering the Undergraduate Programs, and the

            Interprofessional Projects, since their appointments,


The Undergraduate Studies Committee recommends to the Faculty Council,

            that said administrative structure should be maintained for the

betterment of IIT, and that the Undergraduate Programs in engineering and

computer science, in the sciences and mathematics, in humanities and social

sciences, should be the sole responsibility of the Armour College Dean.


  Respectfully submitted,





John Kallend