Undergraduate Studies Committee
October 9, 2018

Attending Voting Members: S. Argamon (CS), F. Weening (AMAT), P. Snopok (PSYC), E. Hazard (HUM), N. Menhart (BIO), R. Steffenson (SSCI), E. Nelson (SGA), R. Trygstad (SAT), C. Wark (MMAE), P. Snopok (PHY), R. Guan (CHEM), P. Troyk (BME). G. Popovic (MSED) E. Oruklu (ECE), E. Kultermann (ARCH), J. Twombly (SSB), E. Corradi (CAEE), A. Moller (PSYC), SH Hong (CHBE), C. Adams (ROTC).

Also attending: G. Smith (UGAA), Yi Han (Galvin Library), S. Pariseau (UGAA), K. Spink (PreHealth), J. Gorzkowski (UGAA), V. Foster (Compliance), S. O’Leary (UGAA), A. Patelidas (Registrar), C. Turrise (UGA), C. Himes (LCHS), C. Torres (CoA), M. Lopez (UGAA), B. Katz (ODL), T. Arshad (ARC), M. Safar (INTM).

Academic Units with absent voting members:

Documents for this meeting are available at:
Meeting chaired by Greg Pulliam
Minutes recorded by Gorjana Popovic
Quorum declared at: 12:46
Adjourn at: 1:20

  1. Minutes of the 9/11/2018 meeting

Unanimous approval of minutes.

Old Business

  1. Transfer credit proposal from LCHS (Himes, Cheryl Turrise)

A vote was taken to amend the proposal and motion passed unanimously. Here is the amended language:

Lewis College of Human Sciences and the departments of Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences propose the following process for evaluating transfer credit hours from 2-year colleges and determining the equivalency of those hours for satisfying the requirements of the IIT core curriculum.  We believe this approach will facilitate the acceptance of transfer students while maintaining the integrity of the core curriculum requirements.

1.   All potential 3-credit hour, 300-level equivalences, satisfied by one or more 200-level courses transferred to Illinois Tech from other institutions, will be submitted for appropriate departmental approval or denial on a case-by-case basis.  Departments will communicate their decisions to UGAA which will then act on them by assigning the appropriate designator and number on the new students’ Illinois Tech transcripts

2.   To make this process more efficient going forward, representatives of the departments will work with UGAA to determine common transfer equivalencies for courses, from selected community colleges, in their areas of responsibility based on current course descriptions and syllabi.

A vote was taken to accept the proposal and motion passed unanimously.

Note: The concern was still shared that IIT is not consistent with the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI): “When you complete an A.A. degree and transfer, your general education requirements should be waived at the next 4-year IAI participating institution you choose to attend.” Committee was formed to further review this issue: R. Steffenson (SSCI), S. O’Leary (UGAA), and J. Gorzkowski (UGAA).

New Business

  1. UFC subcommittee on IPRO (Jeremy Alexis)

Postponed until the next meeting as Alexis could not attend.

  1. INTM Specialization changes (Safar)

Informational item: realigning existing electives in the Industrial Facilities specialization to two specialization: Facilities Management and Construction Technology, and eliminating Telecommunication Technology

  1. Universal Co-terminal proposal (Menhart)

The most important aim of the proposal is to provide clarity about double counting.

Some points made during discussion:

UGSC response to be passed to UFC (passed unanimously): UGSC appreciates the comprehensive nature of the proposal, but also suggests editing the document to about a 5-page proposal which should clearly communicate the desired approval process for co-terminal degrees. UGSC welcomes the return of a simplified approval process.