Undergraduate Studies Committee                                      Minutes 10/11/05


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), G. Fasshauer (MATH), C. Hall (BME), J. Kallend (MMAE), J. Lederman (MSE), J. LoCicero (ECE), J. OíLeary (CAE), M. Poros (SOC), G. Pullliam (HUM), K. Riley (HUM), G. Saletta (ECE), S. Sennott (ARCH), A. Towler (PSYC), J. Twombly (IBIS), M. Vural (MMAE).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: G. Broadhead (CAC), M.A. Rowan (Enrollment Mgmt), D. Sausen (Army ROTC), S. Sitton (Asst. Provost), G. Welter (Ed Services).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business.


The minutes of the meetings of 9/08/05 are approved.


Dean. Snapper informs the UGSC that proposed federal legislation could affect the way in which IIT grants transfer credit. If and when that legislation is passed, the UGSC will consider appropriate responses.


Dean Snapper reports to the UGSC on action of the subcommittee reviewing the objectives of the general education program in humanities and social or behavioral sciences. The UGSC reviewed and suggested revisions to a draft document stating the objectives, outcomes, and assessment procedures. Further suggestions should be sent to Mr. Snapper by Oct 30. The subcommittee will report back to the UGSC with an updated document at the next meeting.


The UGSC discussed the content of the mathematics service courses. The Dept. of Applied Mathematics is meeting to review the service courses in the present month.


Under new business the UGSC raised several issues for discussion:


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the UGSC.