Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Online via Zoom and In-person in PS-152
(pdf version available here)
Attending Voting Members: Fred Weening (AMAT), Braja Mandal (CHEM), Ishaan Goel (SGA), Matthew Bauer (CS), Eva Kultermann (ARCH), Ray Trygstad (ITM), Nicole Legate (PSYC), Emily Leiner (PHYS), Erdal Oruklu (ECE), John Twombly (SSB), Murat Vural (MMAE), Kindon Mills (ARCH), Erin Hazard (HUM), Stephen Kleps (CAEE), Yuting Lin (BIO), Victor Perez-Luna (CHBE)
Chairing Meeting: Kathir Krishnamurthy (FDSN)
Also Attending: Joy Chong (CHEM), Ben Zion (CHEM), Katie Spink (Pre-med), Mary Jorgenson Sullivan (ELS), Jeff Wereszczynski (UFC), Melisa Lopez (Student Success & Retention), Jamshid Mohammadi (VP Faculty Affairs), Taylor Rojas (UGAA), Joe Gorzkowski (UGAA), Christopher Lee (Registrar), Katherine Leight (CHEM), Jennifer deWinter (LCSL), Gabrielle Smith (UGAA), Melanie Jones (Armour Academy), Kathy Nagle (ARCH), Jesse Mosqueda (UGAA), Gabriel Martinez (Armour Academy), Nick Menhart (CCAC), Diane Fifles (Univ Accred), Saran Ghatak (SSCI), Kyle Hawkins (AMP), Mary Haynes (UGAA), Zipporah Robinson (Academic Success), Norma I Scagnoli (VP Learning Initiatives), Shamiah Okhai (LCSL)
Quorum was reached and the meeting was started at 12:47pm
Saran Ghatak from the Social Sciences department presented the proposals. He indicated that all of these programs are currently on hiatus. There is currently one student in the BS in Global Studies program; all other programs have no students. There is a plan in place so the student in Global Studies can graduate in the program. Saran asked if there were any questions. Nick Menhart asked if there was a teach out plan in CIM to which Saran responded in the affirmative. There were no other questions. Erin Hazard made a motion to approve the proposals, the motion was seconded by Fred Weening. The motion passed without objection.
Braja Mandal and Joy Chong, both of the Chemistry department, presented the proposal. Braja indicated that the main goal was to reduce the number of required credits for each of the programs from 127 to 120. A group of four Chemistry faculty members worked on the proposed curriculum revisions. Joy, who led the effort, went into the details of the proposal. She displayed a document which both highlighted the changes and gave a detailed accounting of all the changes proposed and a sample semester-by-semester curriculum for completing each program.
Some of the proposed changes included changing the credits earned for several core chemistry courses; this was done to provide more consistency in the format of courses which have both a lecture and lab component. Another change for all four programs was to add a statistics course (Math 425) and balance this by reducing the math prerequisite for some classes from Math 251 and Math 252, to Math 251 or Math 252. This change brought the programs into alignment with the American Chemical Society guidelines. There were many other minor changes to credit hours of specific chemistry classes (also merging some separate lecture and lab courses into a single integrated course) that Joy described; these were all described in detail in the displayed document. For the BS in Environmental Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, and Medicinal Chemistry there was less flexibility and the reduction of required credits was mainly obtained by reducing the number of free electives from 9 to 3.
Nick Menhart pointed out that assessment plans for these programs have not been entered into CIM, and indicated that these assessment plans must be in CIM before UGSC can vote on the proposed changes. He offered to assist in creating the assessment plans and also how to enter these in CIM. Joy indicated that the assessment plans are being finalized. In light of this discussion, it was decided that a vote on these proposals would have to wait until a later UGSC meeting.
Given that we had discussed this new program at length at UGSC’s last meeting (even though it wasn’t yet in CIM) it was agreed that it could be voted on at this meeting. Ishaan Goel moved that we vote on the process, and this motion was seconded by Fred Weening. The motion passed unanimously.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 1:32pm.