Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee

Attending Voting Members: J. Twombly (SSB), X. Guan (CHEM), N. Menhart (BIO), R. Steffenson (SSCI), J. Hajek (ITM), E. Orklu (ECE), A. Moller (PSYC), M. Peters (SGA), C. Adams (ROTC), C. Hood (CS), F. Weening (AMAT), G. Pulliam (HUM/CAC)

Also attending: J. Gorzkowski (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), K. Spink (PreHealth), V. Foster (Compliance), E. Friedman (COS), S. Ren (CS) C. White (Academic Affairs), A. Hall (Registrar), J. Highnight (Registrar), N. Novak (Galvin Library), R. Carlson (School of Applied Technology)

Departments with absent voting members:  MSED, BME, INTM, CHBE, ARCH, MMAE, PHY, CAEE

Quorum declared at: 12:48

Adjourn at: 1:45


Documents for this meeting are available at:


Meeting chaired by Ray Trygstad

Minutes recorded by Rebecca Steffenson


Old Business

1. Minutes of the 10/10/17 Meeting (http://www.iit.edu/~ugsc/10-10-17minutes.html)

Minutes approved unanimously with the following correction: F. Weening (AMAT) was added to the attendance list.


2.  SGA Proposal for Graduating with Honors at Illinois Tech [G. Shobeiri – SGA]

This proposal would lower the minimums for Magna Cum Laude from 3.8 to 3.7 and Summa Cum Laude from 3.9 to 3.85. The minimum for Cum Laude would remain 3.5. Please see the document at http://www.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/SGA_Graduating_with_Honors_Proposal.pdf for the full proposal including a discussion of the justification. (Morgan Peters, SGA President, will attend in place of Ms Shoberi).

Discussion: It was noted that the new standard might be seen as less competitive than Northwestern’s honors policy which breaks down honors categories by the top 5%, then next 8% then next 12%. Others noted that it did not change the overall numbers getting honors.

A vote was taken and the motion passed 10-1.  UGAA asked when the policy would take effect and if it applied to all students. The chair replied that the policy would take effect in the next bulletin and apply to all students.

3.  New Degree Proposal: Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Information Technology [J. Hajek – ITM] Proposal at http://www.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/BS_in_Cybersecurity_and_IT_Proposal_2017.pdf

Discussion:  CS noted ongoing concerns about overlap with its programs, noting that it had recently made several hires in cybersecurity. ECE echoed these concerns. CS asked for more time to allow for coordination between COS, Armour and the School of Applied Technology. It was noted that a process had been started with the provost to work out coordination issues. Dean Carlson stated that he was keen for the degree approval process to move forward so they could start recruiting. He also noted that the degree was called Cyber Security and ITM, leaving room for degrees in Cyber Security and CS or Cyber Security and Engineering.  A motion was made to defer the vote on this degree until the next meeting to allow time for more discussion between the stakeholders.

4.  Discussion of Office of Digital Learning lecture capture production fees effective Spring 2017  

An ex-officio member of the committee, Matt Bauer (CS) has proposed the following motion for our consideration:The Undergraduate Studies Committee recommends the proposed changes to lecture capture be delayed until stakeholders, faculty and students, are able to review the proposal, gather data, and make an informed assessment about the impact of implementing the changes.

Chris White reported that he had discussed the issue with the Deans and was now asking faculty to report to their chair or dean if they needed their course to continue with manned lecture capture. He said that that payment for lecture capture was not the concern of UGSC or faculty, and that the deans and the upper administration would figure out who pays for the service once it is determined which service is needed. Prior to making a decision about manned v. unmanned lecture capture, White asked that faculty meet with Digital Learning.  He stated that Digital Learning would be going unit by unit to meeting with individual instructors to review manned versus unmanned lecture capture options.  White was asked if Digital Learning had consulted with faculty. He replied that some faculty had been consulted. White was asked if a microphone would still be delivered and picked up. He said he was aware of issues with technical support, and that there was some attempt to standardize classrooms so that they will all have in room microphones. He was then asked if faculty members would be able to focus the camera and replied yes. He was asked if the cameras in the classroom could be turned on at any time remotely even if a class had not been designated for lecture capture.  He replied that it would possible for cameras to be turned on from a remote location. The Humanities department noted that surveillance of classrooms was not appropriate for discussion based classes where anonymity is needed to allow for the free exchange of ideas. White said that classes would not be recorded without instructor permission.  White was asked if the quality would be equal to existing digital learning courses. He recommended that faculty meet with Digital Learning to review the quality of the manned v. unmanned options.

5.  Discussion of policy/guidelines for converting contact hours into credit hours [C. White – Vice Provost for Academic Affairs]

White said that none of the deans had responded to his request for further information about the policies/guideline for converting contact hours into credit hours. Since there was no guidance, he noted that this would be decided on a case by case basis. A UGSC subcommittee consisting of N. Menhart, a representative from the Registrar’s office and the SGA Academic Affairs representative will be formed to further consider this issue.

6.  Other old business


New Business

7.  Other New Business [C. White – Vice Provost for Academic Affairs]

Early undergraduate Advising: Students are being admitted now. They want to register early, and White would like colleges to figure out how to address this. Colleges/units may have different responses. A discussion has started with the Deans                   

              HLC and SARA compliance of online courses: A committee is needed to explore how we make undergraduate and graduate courses compliant. Volunteers are needed.  

              Midterm course evaluations: Students want midterm evaluations. White thinks it can be done using Blackboard, however UGSC input is needed.  

8.  The next UGSC meeting will be Nov 14th 2017 at 12:45pm in WH 115.


All minutes and supporting documents may be found on the UGSC website: http://www.iit.edu/~ugsc/