Undergraduate Studies Committee                          10/25/11


Attending Voting Members: Mark Snyder (CAEE), S. Tin (MMAE), K. Spink (BIOL), J. Ovhori (SGA), R. Trygstad (ITM), G. Fasshauer (AM), S. Whitney (MSED), M. Beckman (CS), Y. Torun (PHYS), J. Twombly (SSB), F. Teymour (CHBE), E.J. Lee (PSYC), U. Segerstrale (SScI), G. Pulliam (HUM), S. Sennott (ARCH), M. Safar (INTM)


Also attending: J. Ruswick (Galvin), J. Kallend (Armour), M. Lopez (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), G. Welter (UGAA), P. Zachocki (Registrar), C. Nippert-Eng (SSci), M. Gosz (Provost's office).


The meeting is chaired by Matt Bauer.

Chair notes there is a quorum at 12:43 p.m. Meeting is convened.

Adjourn: 1:40 p.m. Minutes recorded by Pulliam


1) The minutes of the 10/11/2011 meeting are approved unanimously, with one corrected typo.


Old Business

2) Update from general education review committee is not yet ready. Item skipped.


3) Update on potential new math course for gen ed. No new information yet so item is skipped.


4) Discussion of the UGSC IPRO review subcommittee and its goals and members. Emailed nominees are Nick Menhart, Phil Troyk, Frank Lane, Mark Snyder, Francisco Ruiz. M. Gosz nominates Jeremy Alexis, Jim Braband, Steve Stanard; F. Teymour nominates Javad Abbassian.


5) NCA accreditation: MSED's S. Whitney will give an assessment overview to this committee at the 11/8/11 meeting.


4) Discussion of enrollment ceiling increases in several HUM, MATH and SSci courses ordered by the provost's office at the beginning of the Fall 2011 term. P. Zachocki and M. Gosz note that the problem was caused by a glitch in the new student email system and should not happen again. Several committee members ask for better communication with affected departments if and when such issues arise in the future.


4a) Zachocki outlines new process in which students enrolled in and taking pre-reqs will be allowed to pre-register for post-reqs, but would be dropped before the post-req term begins if they did not actually successfully complete the pre-req.


New Business

5) C. Nippert-Eng outlines proposed changes to the Political Science major. UGSC to vote on approval at 11/8/11 meeting.


6) ITP review subcommittee: the Chair will gather ITP data from various departments to get the process started.


7) Adjournment