Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee - 10/8/2013


Attending Voting Members: R. Ellis (AMAT), S. Sennott (ARCH), K. Spink (BIOL), M. Snyder (CAEE), M. Bauer (CS), J. Sanie (ECE), G. Pulliam (HUM/CAC), M. Safar (INTM), J. Cesarone (MMAE), G. Popovic (MSED), L. Coffey (PHYS), E-J Lee (PSYC), B. Steffenson (SSCI), J. Twombly (SSB), A. Aderele (SGA), M. Tanner (CHEM), B. Koehr (ROTC).


Also attending: G. Welter (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), M. Lopez (One-Stop), L. Massengale (Galvin), A. Blackwell (SGA), M. Flanagan (HUM).


Absent departments: BME, CHBE, ITM.


 The meeting is chaired by Jack Snapper.

Documents pertaining to this meeting are at:


Adjourn: 1:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by Pulliam.

Chair notes there is a quorum at 12:48 p.m.


Minutes of 9/24/2013 meeting are approved unanimously.


Old business

1) Chair informs committee that the Faculty Council has approved the Applied Analytics B.S.


2) (Steffenson) Undergraduate bulletin revision to be modified to state: Òthe final 45 semester hours of any degree program must be completed at IIT, unless there is an articulation agreement in force between two universities that has been signed by authorized representatives of both universities.Ó Passes unanimously.


3) (Bauer) New Program Form adds outcomes. Discussion leads to deferral for potential further revisions. Bauer, Pulliam and Steffenson will work on this.


4) (Pulliam) Definition of Free elective.  Motion: Free elective to be defined in the UG Bulletin as any course at the college level. Discussion leads to consensus that this is too broad. Pulliam asks for deferral to narrow the language.


5) (Bauer, Snapper) Discussion of general education review. Vice-chair Spink chairs discussion. Subcommittee tasked to come up with set of objectives for general education: Pulliam, Steffenson, Spink, Popovic, Sennott, Aderele.

