Undergraduate Studies Committee                                                      Minutes 10/9/07


Attending Voting Members: A. Bain (SGA), M. Bauer (CS), M. Benz (ROTC), J. Chong (BCPS), M. Gosz (MMAE), R.Gordon (Psyc.), G. Fasshauer (AM), R. Krawczyk (Arch), Z. Lan (CS), J. Lederman (MSED), S. Parelukar (BCPS), S. Sennott (Arch), K. Spink (BCPS), J. Twombly (Bus), J. Williamson (ECE).


Attending IIT Guests: P. Ireland (Chair of Soc. Sci.), M.A. Rowan (Enrollment Mgt), A. Stolley (CAC), G. Welter (Ed. Serv.) P. Zachocki (Registrar¹s office)


The meeting is chaired by John O'Leary.

The minutes are recorded by John Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that there is a quorum for business.


The UGSC approves the minutes of the meeting of Sept 11, 2007 by unanimous consent.


Dr. Pulliam asks the UGSC to form a committee to review the present rules for concurrently earning two bachelor degrees, including the rule that the ³second² degree include at least 15 credit hours beyond the ³first² degree. The UGSC asks Dr. Pulliam to form the committee. Mr. Welter, Dr. Twombly, and Dr. Gosz indicate an interest in joining the committee.


On behalf the Department of Computer Sciences, Dr. Bauer presents a proposed change to the name of a BS Degree. Presently the degree is a BS ³Specialization in Computer Information Systems.² The proposal is to simplify this to a BS in ³Computer Information Systems.² Following UGSC policy, a vote on the name change is postponed to the next meeting.


On behalf of the Department of Social Science, Dr. Ireland proposes modifications to the degree in political science. The unit proposes a name change from a BS ³Specialization in Political Science² to BS in ³Political Science² with specialized tracks or concentrations. Following UGSC policy, a vote on the modifications is postponed to the next meeting. Prior to that meeting, Dr. Ireland will submit a revised version of the proposal (for posting on the UGSC web site), taking into consideration some changes in wording suggested by the UGSC.


During discussion of the BS degree in Political Science, the UGSC raised questions concerning IIT¹s general use of the terms ³concentration² and ³specialization.² Mr. Greg Welter will chair a meeting to review and clarify the definitions of ³concentration,² ³specialization,² and ³minor² in IIT offerings.


Mr Zachocki reported on work done by the committee to review IIT standards for incompletes and changes of grades. Mr. Zachocki provided the committee with a survey of such policies at other U.S. universities.


Dr. Gosz, the Assoc. Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, gave a brief introduction to the Kedge program, implemented through his office and Institute of Psychology. The program is designed to assist at-risk students in progressing towards a degree at IIT.


J. Snapper

Secretary to the UGSC