Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee - 11/12/2013


Attending Voting Members: R. Ellis (AMAT), S. Sennott (ARCH), K. Spink (BIOL), M. Snyder (CAEE), M. Bauer (CS), J. Sanie (ECE), G. Pulliam (HUM/CAC), M. Safar (INTM), J. Cesarone (MMAE), G. Popovic (MSED), L. Coffey (PHYS), N. Ditchman (PSYC), B. Steffenson (SSCI), J. Twombly (SSB), A. Aderele (SGA), M. Tanner (CHEM), B. Koehr (ROTC), R. Trygstad (ITM), P. Troyk (BME).


Also attending: G. Welter (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), C. Emmons (Assessment), J. Kallend (ACE).


Absent departments: CHEM, CHBE.


The meeting is called to order by Snapper, who turns the chair over to vice-chair Spink after the first item of new business.

Documents pertaining to this meeting are at:


Adjourn: 1:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by Pulliam.

Chair notes there is a quorum at 12:48 p.m.


Minutes of 10/8/2013 meeting are approved.


New business

1) (Cesarone) Information item: a curricular change to all three MMAE programs:  MMAE 200 to be phased out and replaced with new MMAE 201. MMAE will discuss this change with other engineering programs who currently depend on MMAE 200.


Old business

1) (Bauer) New Program Form. To be sent to academic units for comment. Will take a vote at some point to make the form mandatory for new program proposals.


2) (Pulliam) Free elective definition. Tabled again.


3) (Pulliam) General education subcommittee: goals and objectives for NCA accreditation purposes. Discussion. Document to be forwarded to Associate Provost White before further action by the UGSC.


More new business

4) (Aderele) Course re-take policy change.  SGA is proposing we allow students to retake more courses for improved grades, and that we cut the red tape currently required.


5) (Kallend) Grade reports.  Can the system be simplified? Perhaps to allow Banner to get grades from Blackboard, or to allow grade spreadsheets to be uploaded? Very brief discussion.



