Undergraduate Studies Committee


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

12:45 p.m.  WH 115


Attending Voting Members: S. Hong (CHBE), F. Weening (AMAT), A. Moller (PSYC), E. Hazard (HUM), E. Corroding (CAEE), N. Menhart (BIO), J. Twombly (SSB), E. Nelson (SGA), R. Trygstad (SAT), Guan (CHEM), P. Troyk (BME). G. Popovic (MSED), E. Oruklu (ECE), C. Adams (ROTC), M. Bilgic (CA)


Also attending: G. Smith (UGAA), N. Novak (Galvin Library), S. Pariseau (UGAA), S. O’Leary (UGAA), A. Patelidas (Registrar Office), M. Lopez (One-stop), M. Safar (SAT-INTM), C. Torres (CoA), J. Alexis (ID), R. Ellis (AMAT), B. Kartz (DL), M. Awl (AFROTC)


Departments with absent voting members: ARCH, CHBE, CS, MMAE, PHYS, SSCI

Documents for this meeting are available at:

Meeting chaired by Greg Pulliam

Minutes recorded by Gorjana Popovic

Quorum declared at: 12:46 pm

Adjourn at: 1:30 PM


1.    Minutes of the 10/9/2018 meeting.

Accepted unanimously


New Business

2.  UFC subcommittee on IPRO (Alexis).

·       UFC received report last spring.

·       Recommendation: Cluster IPRO around Thursday night and Friday morning. Implementation in Spring 2019. A few sessions will be offered on other two mornings to accommodate some students

·       The committee will become a standing committee to assess the IPRO. It is not a Kaplan committee, just IPRO

·       Group of faculty members will develop courses that will be IPRO courses, but they are not committee members

·       Working on modification of the IPRO program.


3.  Minor change to Applied Analytics degree program (Moller)

·       Informational item, no discussion.


4.  Minor change to Biomedical Engineering degree program (Troyk)

·       Informational item, no discussion


5.  CAC review of Physics and MMAE C-Courses (Pulliam)

·       Review of PHYSICS and MMAE C-courses was done over the summer.

o   Members of the committee: Sally Laurent-Muehleisen, PHYS, Candance Wark, MMAE, and CAC director Pulliam.

o   Removed C-designation from 4 PHYS courses, 428, 440, 491, and 497.

o   Removed C-designation from 5 MMAE courses 362, 370, 465, 470, and 484

·       Comment: Summarize what was the criteria for removing the C-designation from these courses.

o   Pulliam clarified that the department made decision that these courses would drop their C-designation.

The report was accepted unanimously.


6.  Other new business?

·       John Twombly – course designated as engineering theme (N designation) but is not counted for science-engineering attribute.

§  Themes: students create portfolio for their work throughout their studies

o   Nick Menhart: Reviewed criteria for N-designation courses – not clear what those are.

o   Phil Troyk: the process should be the same as for other course designations. Suggested to have subcommittee to make clear process by which the course designations will be assigned.

§  Suggestion accepted; people who are already on the committees for each C, N, H, E, S will get together to discuss the process.

o   Various designations were discussed, and it was pointed out that there are courses in the bulletin that do not have designations, although they clearly belong to one of the designations (C, N, E…)


·       Concern brought up by the student representative: Advisor suggests to students to complete a minor (specifically, EEE minor was mentioned), but students cannot finish the minor because departments do not offer some of the courses required (e.g., a graduate course is required for the minor, but an undergraduate student cannot complete it – it is possible, but the student must have at least 3.0 gpa).


o   Does every minor have a person who manages them? There should be specific person in charge.

o   Report this concern to UFC and suggest cleaning up the mess.

o   Problems with degree work one of the reasons for this situation.


·       Nick: Starting a new IPRO program. Trying to create the IIT-team for International Genetically Engineered Machine competition. Looking for interested students.