Undergraduate Studies Committee       Minutes 11/19/2001


Attending Voting Members: Abbasian (ChE),  Barrett (Hum), Bauer (CS), Irving (BCPS), Kallend (MMAE), Karidis (Arch),  McKee (MTM),  O’Leary (CAE), Price (SS), Pulliam (Hum), Ramen (MMAE),  Saletta (ECE), Stueben (Math), Venerus (ChE),  Warck (MMAE), Wolach (Psyc).


Attending Non-Voting Members:  Snapper (Undergrad. Coll.), Schneider (SLC), Voland (Undergrad. Coll), Welter (Ed. Serv.).


Attending Non-Members: Foster (Fin. Serv.),  Jacobius (Undergrad.Coll.), J. Lederman (MSED), N. Lederman (MSED), Schmaus (Hum), Wong (ECE).


Proxies (voted by):  Megri (CAE) (O’Leary).  Schleser (Psyc) (Wolach), Twombly (Stuart) (Voland), Grossman (CS) (Bauer).


Dr.Voland calls the meeting to order.

Dr. Voland hands chairmanship to Dr. Snapper for discussion of the Resolution 1, regarding IPRO credit hours.


The Chair brings to the floor the resolution regarding IPRO credit hours.

The Chair brings to the floor the proposal (10/15) that the resolution be amended to state that “the General Education requirement for IPRO’s be reduced to three credit hours.” 

For the information of the Committee: Mr. Voland distributes a report of the IPRO Faculty Forum on “Recommendations on Grading and Assessment.”

For the information of the Committee: Dr. Jacobius reviews the current financial status of the IPRO program and describes plans for supporting academic units whose faculty offer IPROs.

Professor Voland informed the USC that “… the Undergraduate College will provide $4,000  stipends (for non-capital expenditures) to each basic academic unit to help support its participation in the IPRO program, proportional to the number of IPRO courses led by full-time faculty from that unit as part of their regular course load. (This sum is not increased if a single faculty member teaches two or more IPROs in one semester.)  In cases where an IPRO is led jointly by faculty members from different academic units, the stipend amount will be divided accordingly and issued to each respective unit.”

The amendment is discussed.

It is moved and seconded that the vote be by secret ballot.

The motion to vote by secret ballot passes by a large majority.

The amendment fails (8/12/0).

The Chair brings to the floor the main resolution that “the Undergraduate General Education requirement of six credit hours for IPRO type courses be immediately suspended”

            It is moved (O’Leary) that the resolution be postponed indefinitely.

            The proposal to postpone is seconded (LoCicero)

            The resolution to postpone passes by hand vote with a large majority.


Dr. Snapper returns the chairmanship of the Committee to Dr. Voland for the remainder of the meeting.


On behalf of the Undergraduate College, Dr. Voland informs the Committee that the College will respond to vote of Committee (10/15) that we no longer reserve Tuesday afternoons for IPRO courses.   The College will seek a way to schedule IPROs that will permit some upper division courses to meet in that time slot.


Dr. Stueben introduces a new structured minor in Applied Mathematics.


The Chair brings to the floor the resolution  (10/15) that the University establish a BS in Philosophy.   Dr. Schmaus introduces the proposal on behalf of the Dept. of Humanities.  Dr. Schmaus distributes a revised version of the degree curriculum, reflecting comments received from the Committee.

            The resolution passes by unanimous hand vote.


Dr. Saletta reports to the Committee on the work of the Subcommittee on a proposed WE (withdraw-failing) grade.   The Subcommittee withdraws the proposal for a WE grade, informing the Committee that the Offices of the Registrar and of Financial Services have found a simpler solution to the problems that led to that proposal.


Dr. N. Lederman introduces a resolution that the University establish a Preservice Teacher Education program.   The resolution to establish this program is moved and seconded.   The resolution is discussed, preparatory to a vote at the next meeting of the Committee.


On behalf of Dr. Carlson, Director of the Center for Professional Development, the Chair distributes information concerning the role of the Center in offering undergraduate programs. 


The Committee reschedules the December meeting to noon on Dec. 3rd.


Dr. Voland adjourns the meeting.



John Snapper

Secretary to the Undergraduate Studies Committee.