Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 11/21/02


Attending Voting Members:   M. Bauer (CS), T. Irving (BCPS), J. Kallend (MMAE), J. LoCicero (ECE), A. Megri (CAE), J. OíLeary (CAE), M. Power (Hum), G. Pulliam (Hum), G. Saletta (ECE), K,. Schug, (BCPS), S. Sennott (Arch),  E. Stueben (Math), V. Turrito (Pritzker), J. Twombly (Stuart), D. Ucci (ECE).


Non-Voting Attendees:  J. Baworowsky (VP Enrollment Services),  B. Benner (Undergrad Adm.), G. Broadhead (Hum),  A. Collver (SLC), J. Foster (Financial Aid),  D. Geiger (Student Life), C. Orze (Ed. Services), J. Snapper (Undergrad College), G. Voland (Undergraduate College), J. Waters (Registrar)G. Welter (Ed. Services).


The meeting is chaired by Prof. Voland.


The meeting is a special meeting of the USC with Mr. Barowosky, VP for   the advising process for newly matriculated students. 


It is moved and seconded that Prof. Voland will convene a subcommittee to study proposed revisions to the advising system for newly matriculating students.

The motion passes 8-0-0.


[Afternote:  following the meeting, Prof. Voland, asked the following members of the faculty and staff to constitute the subcommittee chaired by him:  M. Bauer, B. Benner, C. Orze, J. Saletta, J. Snapper, E. Stueben, D. Ucci, J. Waters,]



Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the USC.