Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

12:45 p.m.  In-Person (PS 129) and On-line via Zoom Platform

Meeting Minutes

Voting Members Attending In-Person: J. Twombly (SSB), F. Weening (AMAT), R. Trygstad (ITM).

Voting Members Attending via Zoom:  C. Wetzel (ARCH), B. Glavic (CS), E. Oruklu (ECE), M. Vural (MMAE), V. Perez-Luna (CHBE), D. Gidalevitz (PHYS), E. Hazard (HUM), K. Leight (CHEM), K. Krishnamurthy (FDSN), R. Klaszky (ROTC), G. Papivasiliou (BME), Y. Lin (BIOL) F. Lane (PSYC).

Also Attending In-Person: S. Okhai (LCSL), N. Menhart (BIOL/VP Accreditation), G. Pulliam (CAC).

Also Attending via Zoom:  K. Hawkins (AMP), Z. Robinson (Academic Success), K. Cassel (ACE), P. Houser (INTM), J. Gorzkowski (UGAA), N. Novak (Libraries), C. Himes (LCSL), M.J. Sullivan (ELS), Anthoula Lagunas (Registrar), Melisa Lopez (AA), T. McGee (ELS), J. Mohammadi (Grad. College), J. Orgel (VP UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA) K. Bauer (?).


Departments with absent voting members: CAEE, SSCI, SGA. 

Documents for this meeting are available at: <https://www5.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/2021-2022/>.

Meeting chaired by Kathryn Spink.

Minutes recorded by Greg Pulliam.

Quorum declared at 12:47 p.m. 

Adjourn at: 1:20 p.m.


1.    Approval of the minutes for November 9:  The minutes were approved by unanimous consent with two minor changes that have been made.

2.    Information item from the chair: all new programs and changes to existing programs must be presented to UGSC by late January or early February if they are to be included in the next bulletin.

3.    Information item from Menhart: curricular changes of 25% or more must be submitted to HLC according to new federa education department guidelines.

4.    Dual Degree Proposal: BS CIS/BS BA and Sample Curriculum. [Glavic/Twombly] Approved by unanimous consent.

5.    Proposed form for periodic review of academic programs [Spink]. Approved by unanimous consent.

6.    3 ITM Dual Degree Submissions [Trygstad/Twombly/Hazard] These will be voted upon at the next UGSC meeting.

a.    BS ITM and BS INTM

b.    BS ITM and BS BA

c.    BS ITM and BS CJTB

7.    New business—Menhart—discussion: If we begin to develop interdisciplinary programs, where are they to be housed? Normally, academic programs are required to be housed in academic units, but this is not always a smooth operation—see the Applied Analytics program which is currently housed in PSYC, but which doesn’t require students take any PSYC courses.  One possibility: use the interdisciplinary body that was created by UFC to house IPROs and other interdisciplinary programs. Discussion to continue.

