Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

12:45 p.m.  On-line via Zoom Platform

Meeting Minutes

Attending Voting Members: F. Weening (AMAT), C. Wetzel (ARCH), E. Corradi (CAEE), R. Guan (CHEM), C. Hood (CS), E. Oruklu (ECE), K. Krishnamurthy (FDSN), E. Hazard (HUM), J. Twombly (SSB), P. Ireland (SSCI), K. Chauhaun (SGA).

Also attending: G. Smith (UGAA), M. Lopez (Academic Affairs), A. Matari-Renno (Registrar's Office), N. Novak (Galvin), G. Pulliam (CAC), F. Estrada (Admissions), Toni Riley (Admissions), T. McGee (ELS), B. Stephens (CAEE), M. Shapiro (SSCI).


Department with absent voting member: ROTC

Documents for this meeting are available at: <https://www5.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/2020-2021/>

Meeting chaired by Kathryn Spink.

Minutes recorded by Greg Pulliam

Quorum declared at: 12:53 pm

Adjourn at: 1:46 pm


1. Approval of the minutes for October 27, 2020

         The minutes were approved 12-0.


2.  Follow-up discussion on possible changes to the add/drop period were postponed until Spring.


3.  Co-terminal BS in Civil Engineering and MS in Geotechnical Engineering to hiatus status. There have been no students in this program for five years. Approved 12-0.



4.  Information item: there will be a new minor in Sustainability through CAEE.


5.  Information item: previously presented changes to CS programs have been pulled back for further consideration within the CS department. Some will come back to this committee in the future; others may not. Affected programs are: the minor in AI; BS-AI; BS-CS/MAS-AI; BS-CS; BS-CS/MAS-CYBS.


6.  Information item: All ECE 400-level courses are to be denoted as Professional Electives and designated as such by the addition of the letter (P) in the bulletin. This formalizes an existing practice within ECE.


7. Brief discussion of the final exam schedule and a possible return to the old "grid" system through which faculty and students knew their final exam schedule as soon as the course schedule was posted. Matari-Renno will bring to the Registrar's attention.


8.  IAI Update

Course Inventory List

Syllabus Submission List (Download xlsx file “IAI Syllabus Submission Checklist.xlsx”)

Course Submissions and Inventory


Essentially, there are four possible outcomes when IAI considers our courses, from acceptance to conditional acceptance to need more information to rejection. The linked documents show where we are with regard to our currently-submitted courses.


9. Announcement by chair: The UFC did not get to consider UGSC actions at its last meeting, so our list of actions at the next UFC meeting will be considerable.

