Undergraduate Studies Committee

Minutes of Meeting 11/7/00

Present: A. Myerson (chair), P. Anderson, M. Bauer, S. Cooper, J. Kallend, J. LoCicero, A. Megri, J, O'Leary, C. Orze, R. Price, G. Pulliam, G. Saletta, S. Sitton, T. Tagliavia, D. Venerus, C. Wark, G. Welter.

  1. The minutes of the October meeting were approved.
  2. Brief presentations were made describing the format of ITP courses in CAE, CS, CAE, ECE, MMAE, PS and BCPS programs. The format varies significantly from program to program, but each believes it has developed a format that serves the interests of its students. Further discussion on ITP was deferred until the next meeting.
  3. M. Bauer asked the committee's views on the new policy on courses offered by Internet, and its impact on undergraduate education. There was extensive discussion (Myerson, LoCicero, Bauer, Saletta, Cooper, Pulliam, Kallend). Some departments are planning to impose their own rules on undergraduate Internet courses. The committee members were asked to consult with their departments before further discussion at the next meeting.
  4. The committee agreed to an additional meeting to be scheduled for the first week of December. Kallend will notify members of the time and place.

NEXT MEETING: December 12, 2000 at 3:15p.m., 245 E1

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