Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 12/11/03


Attending Voting Members:  M. Bauer (CS), G. Bunker (BCPS),  D. Cork  (BCPS), C. Hall (BME), P. Johnson (BCPS),  J. LoCicero (ECE), A. Megri (CAE), K, McKee (MT).  J. O'Leary (CAE), M. Power (Hum), G. Pulliam (Hum), F. Ruiz (MMAE),  J. Saletta (ECE), K. Stagliano (BCPS), E. Stueben (Math), R. Trygstad (ITM), J. Twombly (Stuart),  A. Wolach (Psyc),  W.G. Yee (CS)


Non-Voting Attendees:  B. Benner (Underg. Adm.), A. Collver (Student Gov.), I. Dobbins (Minority Acc), J. Fisher (Bus),  J. Heinrich (Naval Sci),  K. Hurley (OTS), R. Nicholes (Reg), C. Orze (Ed Serv),  D. Roberson (IBIS), S. Sitton (Assist. Prv), C. Stewart (Galvin Library), G. Welter (Ed Serv).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper (for Dean C. Wark).


The minutes of the meeting of Nov. 13, 2003 are approved.


Prof. LoCicero presented a report from the IPRO Review-Document Committee (est. 11/13/03).  The Committee has given Prof. Roberson a IPRO Review Document that proposes parameters for a review. (Committee members are J. LoCicero, F. Ruiz, and M. Bauer.) The document is posted at the USC web site.   Prof. Roberson expresses thanks for the IPRO Review Document, and will start the review process.


Assoc. Prv. Sitton presented a report of the Course-Schedule Template Committee (est. 11/13/03).   The Committee has started work on preparing possible modifications to the template.   (Committee members are S. Sitton, A. Collver, G. Fasshauer, R. Nicholes, J. Waters, and J. Saletta. D. Ucci.)


Prof. Twombly presented a curricula for the Bachelor of Science degrees in (a) Business Administration (b) Business Administration and Applied Science..

It is moved and seconded that:

The vote on the curricula be deferred until the USC is provided with new course forms (including course outlines, proposed texts, etc.)  for the new courses included in the curriculum.

It is moved and seconded:

To kill the question

The motion to kill the question passes (9-3-0)

It is moved and seconded that:

The USC approves the curricula

The motion to approve the curricula passes (9-3-1)


All remaining business is deferred until the next meeting of the USC.




Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the USC.