Undergraduate Studies Committee


Minutes of Meeting 12 December 2000


Present: Dean Myerson (chair), Axelrod, Kallend, LoCicero, Megri, O'Leary,

Orze, Pulliam, Stueben, Voland, Wark, Way, Welter.


1.         The minutes of the November 2000 meeting were approved with one change to

the attendance list (Voland added).


2.         The ITP discussion continued. Prof. LoCicero re-stated the motion to

change the General Education Requirements to require 2 credit hours of ITP

in the first year for all undergraduate programs, with an additional common

hour for Engineering and Computer Science programs.  Extensive discussion

(JL, GP, JW, AM, GV, JK) included the impact on small programs,

interdisciplinary content, and similar programs at other schools. Dean

Myerson postponed the vote until the next meeting.


3.         Prof. Pulliam proposed that the CNS director be added to the UGSC as a

non-voting member. There being no opposition, the motion was approved.


4.         The discussion on Internet courses was postponed.


5.         Prof. Way suggested that the SLC subcommittee on academic affairs be

invited to send a representative to UGSC meetings.  Prof. Kallend will

contact the SLC to extend the invitation.


6.         Prof. LoCicero suggested that this was an appropriate time for a 5-year

review of the IPRO program. GV replied that he and Tom Jacobius will prepare

a report for the UGSC to be presented during the SPR2001 semester.


7.         Members are requested to send to Prof. Kallend the times thay are not

available for UGSC meetings in SPR2001, so that the calendar of meetings can

be finalized.



Next meeting:  See item 7. 


John Kallend