Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

12:45 p.m.  WH 115

Meeting Minutes


Attending Voting Members: F. Weening (AMAT), F. Flury (ARCH), N. Menhart (BIOL), P. Troyk (BME), E. Corradi (CAEE), S.H. Hong (CHBE), R. Guan (CHEM), S. Argamon (CS), E. Oruklu (ECE), E. Hazard (HUM), C. Wark (MMAE), G. Popovic (MSED), P. Snopok (PHYS), C. Adams (ROTC), R. Trygstad (SAT), J. Twombly (SSB), R. Steffenson (SSCI), E. Nelson (SGA)


Also attending: S. Pariseau (ACM), R. Ellis (AMAT), E. Kulterman (CoA), B. Katz (DL), J. Alexis (IPRO), K. Spink (Pre-Med), G. Smith (UGAA), G. Welter (UGAA), C. Himes (LCHS), A. Hall (Registrar), C. Emmons (Assessment),  


Departments with absent voting members: PSYC

Documents for this meeting are available at:

Meeting chaired by Greg Pulliam

Minutes recorded by Gorjana Popovic

Quorum declared at: 12:50 pm

Adjourn at: 1:45 PM

1.      Minutes of the 1/22/2019 meeting.

Approved unanimously.

Old Business

2.      Voting item: Proposal from the UFC IPRO committee (Troyk, Alexis, Steffenson).  Background report is here. Amended proposal is here 

A vote to accept the amendment was taken and motion passed, 18:0.

A vote to accept the Proposal was taken and motion passed, 19:0.


Add clarification: “The learning objectives for IPRO approved by the UGSC do not exist.”

New Business (time-sensitive)

3.      Information item: Minor changes to BS in Applied Analytics (Himes).

Will be reported to the faculty council.

4.      Information item: ARCH co-terminal changes to the MS (Flury, Kultermann).

Aligning co-terminal with bachelor’s degree; change in the bachelor’s degree replacing ARCH 208: Design Communications IV with ARCH 215: Site Design, Plan, & Ecology; no change in credit hours so still counts as minor change.

More Old Business

5.      Discussion: Core Curriculum letter designation committees  (Menhart, Ellis, Steffenson).

The Core Curriculum Subcommittee Chairs to work with the Core Curriculum Assessment Committee to develop assessment plans for their areas of the course. Criteria for each C, H, S, N, M, and CS courses need to be clear in order to align assessments with these criteria.

Two letters E and I are not formally added as Core Curriculum members and thus they are not included here.

Subcommittee chairs to meet to discuss the Core Curriculum.

HLC asks for assessment outside of IPRO, because the artifacts collected was group work. They complained that assessing learning objectives of a group does not demonstrate individual student learning.

More New Business

6.   Discussion: Late enrollment during add/drop period, course structure and student chances for success.

John Twombly presented issue with the add/drop period due to financial hold; and suggestion that the student had less chance for success in class because of missed classes. Others explained how the issue is specifically problematic for students who miss two weeks of labs, and for students of Architecture who miss two weeks of Studio classes.


Aubrey Hall explained that because of liability (e.g., if something happens to a student who is not registered, s/he may sue the university) the rule to not allow students who are not registered for classes must be strictly enforced.


Various suggestions were discussed: allow provisional registration for students who have hold due to financial aid, vaccination, etc. The discussion will be continued.