Undergraduate Studies Committee                                                      Minutes 02/13/07


Attending Voting Members: I. Acosta (ROTC), M. Gosz (MMAE), L. Coffey (BCPS), G. Fasshauer (Math), T. Hogan (SS), P. Johnson (BCPS), R. Krawczyk (Arch), B. Lloyd (SDA), J. LoCicero (ECE), W. Newman (MSEd), G. Pulliam (Hum),  J. Saniie (ECE), A. Towler (Psyc), R. Trygstad (CPE), J. Twombly (Bus), W.G. Yee (CS).


Attending IIT Guests:  T. Carroll (Registrar's Office), J. Doyle (Admissions), D. Ferguson (Bus), R. Gordon (Psyc.), M. Huyck (Psyc), T. Jacobius (Bus),  M.A. Rowan (Enrollment Serv), A. Roy (SGA), D. Ucci (ECE), G. Welter (Ed Serv).


The meeting is chaired by John O'Leary.

The minutes are recorded by John Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM.  Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The secretary notes that there is a quorum for business.


The chair brings forward the motion from the previous meeting that:

                 The policy of the UGSC is that if the chair of the UGSC is from an academic unit with a vote, the

                 chair is not the voting member, and the academic unit will send a replacement voting member.

The motion passes by unanimous consent.


On behalf of the Dept. of Humanities, G. Pulliam moves that

1:  The BS in Internet Communication be a specialization with in the BS in Technical and Professional Communications.  The BS in Internet Communication will no longer be a separate degree.

2.  The course requirements for the BS in Humanities be modified to simplify the degree requirements, including the elimination of distribution requirements for courses within the degree.

The motion is seconded.  By UGSC policy, the motion is postponed for further debate and vote to the next meeting.


The Chair draws the UGSC's attention to the University Faculty motion (Feb 06) that calls for an annual report from the UGSC to the Faculty Council on the financial support for and academic quality of the IPRO program.  In preparation for that report, the UGSC received a presentation from Mr. Jacobius on the financial support for the IPRO program, and a presentation from Mr. Ferguson on the academic quality of the IPRO program. 


The Chair draws the attention of the UGSC to the need to begin the process for selection of a UGSC chair for the 2007/08 academic year.   


The next meeting of the UGSC is moved forward one week to March 6. (Subsequently changed to March 8 due to conflict with SRR scheduling meeting.)


Two agenda items are postponed to the next meeting of the UGSC: 

Item 7:  concerning degree programs offered by the Center of Professional Development

Item 8:  concerning the designation of courses as satisfying General Education requirements.



Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the UGSC.