Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 02/18/2002


Attending Voting Members:   Abbasian (CHE), M.Bauer (CS), Irving (BCPS), Kallend (MMAE), LoCicero (ECE), Mandal (BCPS), McKee (MTM), Power (Hum), Price (SocSci),  Pulliam (Hum), Ramen (MMAE), Salleta (ECE), Schleser (Psyc), Twombly (Bus. Sch).


Attending non-Voting Members:  J. Fisher (UGC), Snapper (UGC), Voland (UGC), Welter (Ed. Services). 


Attending non-Members: Carlson (CS), ElBaz (Galv. Libr.)


The meeting is chaired by Prof. Voland.


The minutes of the meeting of 1/28/02 are approved.


The Chair brings to the table the resolution (moved and seconded 1/28/02) that the University offer a Bachelor of Information Technology and Management.

The motion passes (12-0-0).


The Chair asks the Undergraduate Studies Committee whether it is the wish of the USC that he introduce the certificate and minor in PreService Teacher Education  (passed 1/28/02) to the Main Campus Faculty Council as a motion for vote by the MCFC.   It is the consensus of the USC that these non-degree programs do not need further sanction by vote of the MCFC.   The Chair will inform of the  MCFC of the USC action on the items.


Dr. Jay Fisher (Director of the Ed Kaplan Entrepreneurial Studies Program) discussed plans for the creation of courses leading to a non-academic certificate in entrepreneurial studies.   Since this is not program that leads to an academic certificate, the discussion is for the information of the USC.  This is not an action item for the USC.


Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the USC.