Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 2/20/03


Attending Voting Members:   M. Bauer (CS), W. Grimshaw (SocSci), T. Irving (BCPS), J. LoCicero (ECE), K. McKee (MTM), J. OšLeary (CAE), M. Power (Hum), G. Pulliam (Hum), K. Schug (BCPS), S. Sennott (Arch), E. Stueben, D. (Math),  J. Twombly (Stuart),  Ucci (ECE), D. Venerus (ChE) A. Wolach (Psyc).


Non-Voting Attendees:  B. Benner (Undergrad Adm.), J. Fisher (Undergrad. College), D. Geiger (Student Life),C. Orze (Ed. Services), D Pistrui (Kent Law), J. Snapper (Undergrad College), G. Voland (Undergrad College), S. Wastawy (Galvin Library) G. Welter (Ed. Services).


The meeting is chaired by Prof. Voland.


The USC approves the minutes of the meetings of 12/05/02 and 1/30/03.


Mr. Fisher and Mr.Pistrui presented a description of a minor in entrepreneurialship, including descriptions of new courses to be offered in support of that minor.


The Undergraduate Studies Committee expressed concern over the lack of a printed, hard-copy schedule of classes.   

The USC notes that faculty have complained that the electronic versions available on SIS, Web-for-Faculty, and Web-for-Students are cumbersome mechanisms for efficient faculty advising of students.  In addition, the USC notes that students have complained to faculty that they are unhappy about the lack of a hard-copy schedule.

            The USC makes a formal request to The Registrar that she meet with the USC to discuss ways in which to make hard-copy schedules of classes available to faculty and students.


The March meeting is rescheduled to March 13.


The USC entertained no formal motions and took no votes.



Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the USC.