Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

12:45 p.m.  WH 115

Meeting Minutes


Attending Voting Members: F. Weening (AMAT), F. Flury (ARCH), N. Menhart (BIOL), P. Troyk (BME), E. Corradi (CAEE), S.H. Hong (CHBE), R. Guan (CHEM), M. Bauer (CS), E. Oruklu (ECE), M. Bauer (HUM), C. Wark (MMAE), G. Popovic (MSED), C. Adams (ROTC), R. Trygstad (SAT), J. Twombly (SSB), P. Ireland (SSCI), E. Nelson (SGA), A. Moller (PSYC).


Also attending: M. Lopez (AA), T. Arshad (ARC), B. Katz (DL), N. Novak (GL), K. Spink (Pre-Med), P. Krolewski (Registrar), J. Gorzowski (UGAA), S. O’Leary (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), C. Himes (LCHS), D. Bliss (GSCI), P. Troyk (for ACE)


Departments with absent voting members: PHYS

Documents for this meeting are available at:

Meeting chaired by Greg Pulliam

Minutes recorded by Gorjana Popovic

Quorum declared at: 12:50 pm

Adjourn at: 1:45 PM

1.      Minutes of the 2/12/2019 meeting.

Accepted unanimously.

Old Business

2.      Update: Core Curriculum letter designation committee (Menhart).

Suggestion to link this to assessment. This document represents criteria for how to designate the courses within a particular category (in other words, what qualifies these courses to be included in the Core Curriculum). After this process is completed, it will be possible to determine how it will be assessed.


This process should be managed by the UGSC, so each Core-letter committee should be appointed by the UGSC.


Vote was taken to present this document to UFC, and to ask that UFC approve UGSC oversight of these processes--motion passed 15:1.


UGSC needs to talk to assessment people to make sure everyone is on the same page.

3.  Continued discussion: Late enrollment during add/drop period, course structure and student chances for success.

(FYI: Financial holds in the current semester are from the previous semester.)


Resolution calling for changed add process: one week--student can add course, second week--add with instructor permission; from the third week late fee plus all necessary permissions. Vote was taken, 18:0


Resolution: the university should require that all faculty publish—at least in their syllabi—the methods by which students may make up missed work if they added late, or that they miss for any other legitimate reason. Vote was taken, 13:4
