Undergraduate Studies Committee                                      Minutes 2/14/06


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), M. Anastasio (BME), M. Bauer (CS), G. Broadhead (HUM), L. Coffey (BCPS), D. Cork (BCPS), P. Deforest (SOC), G. Fasshauer (MATH), Peter Johnson (BCPS), J. Lederman (MSE), J. LoCicero (ECE), A. Megri (CAE), J. O'Leary (CAE), G. Pullliam (HUM), G. Saletta (ECE), S. Sennott (ARCH), A. Towler (PSYC), R. Trygstad (ITM), J. Twombly (IBIS), M. Vural (MMAE).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: D. Lausen (Mil. Sci.), M. McClain (Admissions), C. Orze (Ed. Services), M.A. Rowan (Enrollment Mgmt), C. Stewart (Library).


Attending IIT Guests: R. Carlson (ITM), G. Welter (Ed. Services)


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business.


The minutes of the meetings of 12/08/05 are approved.


Dr. Rowan presented an overview of the Camras Scholarship recruitment and review process.


Dr. Snapper reported on two actions of the University Faculty Council: The UFC has endorsed the UGSC resolution calling for revisions to its definition in the Faculty Handbook. The UFC has endorsed a resolution on IPRO policy which is significantly different from the resolution sent to the UFC by the UGSC. Both resolutions will be put before the faculty at the next meeting of faculty.


It is moved and seconded that

The total number of required credits in the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree is raised from 131 credits to 132 credits. This change permits the introduction of a 3-credit course in Thermodynamics II, replacing the present 2-credit thermodynamics course.

The motion passes (20-0).


Dr. Carlson presented a proposal for a Bachelor of Health Care Technology and Management degree. The degree is moved and seconded. In keeping with UGSC policy on new motions, a vote is postponed until the next meeting.


Dr. Trygstad presented a proposal for changes to the Bachelor of Information Technology and Management Degree. An extension to the established curriculum will accommodate students who enter the program as freshmen or sophomores, either through a change of major or by declaration. The proposal is moved and seconded. In keeping with UGSC policy on new motions, a vote is postponed until the next meeting.


It is moved an seconded that

The College of Architecture courses in structural engineering be temporarily designated as natural science/engineering courses for general education, until such time as the UGSC establishes a general procedure for general education course designation (CS, H, IPRO, Math, N, S, Math).

In keeping with UGSC policy on new motions, a vote is postponed until the next meeting.


It is moved and seconded that

The UGSC establish a subcommittee to make recommendations to the Committee on a procedure for general education course designation. The subcommittee will report back to the UGSC in the present semester.

In keeping with UGSC policy on new motions, a vote is postponed until the next meeting.


The meeting adjourns, postponing two remaining agenda items to the next meeting:

- Discussion of resource allocation for improvements to teaching laboratories (Peter Johnson)

- Review of Objectives of the HSS general education program (J. Snapper)


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the UGSC.