Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee - 3/12/2013


Attending Voting Members: J. Twombly (SSB), G. Fasshauer (AMAT), S. Ahua

(SGA), E-J Lee (PSYC), S. Sennott (ARCH), M. Safar (INTM), S. Tin (MMAE), P.

Troyk (BME), B. Koehr (ROTC), J. Budiman (CAEE), K. Spink (BIOL), Y. Torun

(PHYS), M. Tanner (CHEM), M. Beckman (CS), J. Saniie (ECE)


Also attending: G. Welter (UGAA), M. Lopez (One Stop), G. Smith (UGAA), J.

Dorr (Galvin).


Absent departments: HUMA, SSCI, CHBE, ITM, MSED


The meeting is chaired by Matt Bauer.

Documents pertaining to this meeting are here:


Adjourn: 1:42 p.m. Minutes recorded by Bauer.

Chair notes there is a quorum at 12:47 p.m.


Minutes of 2/26/2013 meeting are approved unanimously.


Old business

1) Co-Terminal Degree UGSC Approval Process - Moved and seconded: That new

co-terminal degree programs become informational items to the UGSC, if the

relevant individual academic units have approved the programs.


Much discussion on pros and cons of UGSC reviewing or not reviewing.

Possible change in federal government aid for students in coterminal

programs, more info being gathered.

MOTION FAILED 2 for, 13 against


New Business

2) (Bauer) - BS in CS and MS in IPMM co terminal, BS in CS and MS in AMAT co




Both discussed and will be brought back in the future with corrections.  


3) TABLED (Pulliam) CS Communications coterminal MS InfoArch



4) TABLED Discontinuation of "Social Sciences" major (Information Item) - On

February 20, 2013, the Department of Social Sciences faculty voted at its

monthly meeting to discontinue offering the interdisciplinary major known as

"Social Sciences", effective immediately.


Social Science dept and Human Sciences college should reference appendix P

in the faculty handbook on the process




6) TABLED (Pulliam) Interdisciplinary degrees - how to create and administer


7) INFO ITEM (Orze) Minimum requirements for admission into the co-terminal

degree program and triple counting courses.

1.         In order to be considered for admission into a co-terminal degree

program, students must have earned a minimum of 36 semester hours including

at least 12 semester hours earned in residence at IIT with a minimum

cumulative GPA of 3.25.

2.         Students may not use courses completed and applied to dual

undergraduate degree programs to fulfill co-terminal degree requirements.


Issues was raised with joint program students, it seems currently they are

not allowed to do coterminal as each joint degree needs legal agreement

between universities.


8) TABLED (Bauer) General Education assessment plan for accreditation

More research needed on NCA requirements

