Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 3/13/03


Attending Voting Members:   M. Bauer (CS), A. Flueck (ECE), K. McKee (MTM), A. Megri (CAE), J. OšLeary (CAE), M. Power (Hum), G. Pulliam (Hum), G. Saletta (ECE), K. Schug (BCPS), E. Stueben (Math), D. Venerus (ChE) A. Wolach (Psyc).


Non-Voting Attendees: A. Collver (SLC), D. Geiger (Student Life),  R. Nicholes (Student Services), Jeff Pringle (Student), J. Snapper (Undergrad College), D. Ucci (Off. of the Provost), G. Voland (Undergrad College), J. Waters (Registrar), G. Welter (Ed. Services).


The meeting is chaired by Prof. Voland.


The USC approves the minutes of the meetings of 2/20/03.


The Registrar met with the USC to discuss ways in which to provide faculty and students with hard-copy versions of the course schedule.   We note that there is a pdf version available on the web (www.enrollment.iit.edu/pdf_files/spring_2003_schedule.pdf).  But since that version is about 85 pages long, it is not easy to print and use in hard-copy format.   The Registrar and the USC discussed formats for additional, alternative versions that will be easier to print and use as hard copies.


Prof. Bauer informs the USC that the Dept. of Computer Science is working on the creation of a new course for basic general education credit in Computer Science.  The course will satisfy the same general education requirements as CS-105.   The new course is intended for students who take no computer science courses beyond that course.  CS-105 will continue to be taught for students in programs (such as students majoring in CS and CPE) who take additional computer science courses.   We expect to offer the course in Fall-04.



The USC entertained no formal motions and took no votes.



Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the USC.