Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

12:45 p.m. On-line via Zoom Platform

Meeting Minutes

Attending Voting Members:  F. Weening (AMAT), J. Twombly (SSB), R. Trygstad (ITM), E. Kultermann (ARCH), B. Glavic (CS), E. Hazard (HUM), K. Leight (CHEM), R. Klaszky (ROTC), K. Krishnamurthy (FDSN), N. Legate (PSYC), E. Oruklu (ECE),  M. Vural (MMAE), Y. Lin (BIOL), Y. Mansury (SSCI)

Also Attending: J. Orgel (AVP UGAA), G. Pulliam (CAC), J. Gorzkowski (UGAA), C. Himes (Dean LCSL), M. Haynes (UGAA), K. Guyton-Hamlin (Registrar's Office). N. Novak (Galvin), MJ Sullivan (ELS), K. Cassel (ACE), T. Riley (AVP UG Admsn).

Departments with absent voting members: BME, CAEE, CHBE, PHYS, SGA.

Documents for this meeting are available at: <https://www5.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/2021-2022/>.

Meeting chaired by Kathryn Spink.

Minutes recorded by Greg Pulliam.

Quorum declared at 12:48 p.m. 

Adjourn at: 1:30 p.m.


1. Approval of minutes from 3/8/2022:  The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

     2. Dean Search for LCSL--should we change UGSC meeting days/times to accommodate the search? Consensus is that we should continue our regular meeting days and times.

     3. Dual Degree BS in CIS and BS in PSYC [Glavic, Legate): Approved by unanimous consent.

     4. Information item: BSBA majors may choose one of the existing specializations within the program or use any minor that is listed in the Bulletin as their required specification. [Twombly]

a.   We have been operating under these rules since we abandoned the former Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Applied Science (BAAS) in order to give students interested in other subjects an opportunity to specialize outside the business school. Given the introduction of CIM, we need to formalize this option.

      5. Discussion item:  Intensive Courses  (Himes): a proposal is still pending. 

     6. Permit requirement for UG students to enroll in online classes (Spink): the end of this policy is approved by unanimous consent. Upon approval by UFC, the committee would like to see the process expedited for Fall and Summer registration.

     7. Periodic review: Architecture

     8. UGSC Leadership 2022-2023

a. Chair: Fred Weening has volunteered.

b. Vice-chair: need a volunteer or a nomination.

c. Secretary: Greg Pulliam has volunteered to continue.

Incomplete slate approved by unanimous consent. Vice-chair nominations/volunteers to be presented at the next meeting.     

