Minutes of
the Undergraduate Studies Committee
Attending Voting Members: J. Twombly (SSB), S. Hong (CHBE), M. Bauer (CS), X. Guan
(CHEM), N. Menhart (BIO), M. Safar (INTM), R. Steffenson (SSCI), J. Hajek (ITM),
R. Ellis (AMAT), T. Pan (CAEE), J. Miller (PSYC), G. Popvic
(MSED), G. Pulliam (HUM/CAC), A. Schachman (COA), E. Orklu (ECE), P. Snopok (PHYS), P.
Troyk (BME), C. Wark
(MMAE), A. Raina (SGA), C. Hood (CS)
Also attending: J. Gorzkowski
(UGAA), G. Welter, (UGAA), G. Smith (UGAA), C. White (UGAA), S. Pariseau (UGAA), K. Spink (PreHealth), J. Hignight
(Registrar), A. Hall (Registrar), X. Li (COS), M. Bauer (CS), N. Novak (Galvin
Departments with absent voting members: ROTC
declared at 12:43
Adjourn at: 1:40
for this meeting are available at:
chaired by Ray Trygstad.
recorded by Rebecca Steffenson.
1. Minutes of the 2/28/17 Meeting
The 2/28/17 minutes were approved unanimously.
Old Business
2. Proposed change to standards for
graduating with honors: [G. Pulliam – Humanities]
Proposal calls for the following
changes to IIT’s honors requirements:
• Change hours to be completed at IIT
from 60 for all levels to 60 hours for cum laude, 75 hours for cum laude or
magna cum laude, or 90 hours for cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum
• Change the GPA requirements as
Cum laude – change from 3.5-3.799 to
Magna cum laude – change from
3.8-3.899 to 3.6-3.799
Summa cum laude – change from 3.9-4.0
to 3.8-4.0
Please review the full proposal at
http://www.iit.edu/~ugsc/documents/Graduating with Honors
at IIT-2.pdf
Pulliam explained that the goals of
this proposed change is to allow students who do the great majority of their
coursework here at IIT a tangible benefit. This policy would distinguish them
from students who do only 60 hours of coursework at IIT), because it is more
difficult to maintain an honors GPA across 120+ credit
hours. The proposal still allows for some transfer credits (to accommodate AP
credits and transfers up to 36 hours).
Discussion focused initially on the
lower threshold for honors (3.4) and whether this
might affect our external reputation. Several counter proposals were offered.
It was asked whether transfer students with a 4.0 might maintain honors status as a compromise. There was some support for
switching to a straight percentage system, although it was noted that this
would not allow students to keep track of their progress. It was also suggested that more weight could be
given to 300 and 400 level courses and that the GPA for honors
could be calculated using only 300 and 400 classes for all students or alternatively
that 100 level courses could be thrown out of the GPA calculation. Another
suggested option was to just count the last 60 hours towards all students’
GPAs. Given the lack of consensus, the
UGSC chair invited counter proposals to be presented at the next meeting. The
group also asked UGAA for information about the numbers of students who would
be affected by this policy change, and SGA was asked to solicit student input
on this issue.
New Business
3. Process for issuing of registration
Alternate PINS to undergraduates [C. White – Vice Provost for Academic Affairs]
White came to discuss UGSC opposition
to the recent UGAA student pin dispersal announcement.
White noted that his office was
seeking to solve an administrative problem and did not realize the potential
impact it would have on the advising process. It was noted that communication
breakdowns between a small number of faculty and students were driving the
change. White asked whether an advising hold might be preferable. Students pins
would be put in the portal so they would have the flexibility to register, but
advisors would manually have to allow students to register. Hall noted that advising holds are not
possible until the Banner 9 upgrade in late 2017.
UGAA was cautioned against making
dramatic changes to correct the actions of a small group of advisors and asked
to provide more information about the scale of the problem. There was
widespread agreement over the value of face to face advising relationships, but
acknowledgement that there could be better ways to improve the advising system.
White noted that there need to be common expectations for advising across the
university. He is convening the university advising committee to discuss these
4. New co-terminal degree: BS MSE and MAS
MSE [S. Nair and S. Acharya, MMAE]
Details are at
The representatives were not present, so there was no discussion.
Please review it for next week.
5. Elimination of ECE co-terminal degree
programs [E. Orklu, ECE]
department wishes to terminate the following co-terminal degree programs: B.S.
Electrical Engineering/Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the
B.S. Computer Engineering/Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering
co-terminal degrees. The ECE faculty do not wish to continue supporting these
professional degrees.
It was
noted that co-terminal degrees were not initially presented as new degree
programs, because they do not change the requirement of either the B.S or M.S.
degrees. If they are not new degree programs they would not need to go through
the process of degree eliminations as outlined in the handbook. UFC has formed
a co-terminal degree subcommittee and is working on this issue.
6. New Minor from Industrial Technology and
Management: Supply Chain Management [M. Safar – INTM]
Details are at available at
This is an informational item.
7. Other New Business
No new business was raised.
8. Next UGSC meeting will be April 11,