Undergraduate Studies Committee Minutes 03/8/07
Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (ChE), M. Anastasio (BME), M. Benz (ROTC), R.Gordon (Psyc.), T. Hogan (SS), P. Johnson (BCPS), J. Leberman (MSEd) R. Krawczyk (Arch), J. LoCicero (ECE), G. Pulliam (Hum), J. Saniie (ECE), S. Sennott (Arch), R. Trygstad (CPD), J. Twombly (Bus), W.G. Yee (CS).
Attending IIT Guests: C. Carlson (CPD), T. Jacobius (Bus), A. Roy (SGA), C. Stewart (Library), D. Ucci (ECE), G. Welter (Ed Serv).
The meeting is chaired by John O'Leary.
The minutes are recorded by John Snapper.
Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.
The secretary notes that there is a quorum for business.
The UGSC approves the minutes of the meeting of Feb 13 by unanimous consent.
The chair brings forward the motion from the previous meeting that:
1: The BS in Internet Communication be a specialization with in the BS in Technical and Professional Communications. The BS in Internet Communication will no longer be a separate degree.
2. The course requirements for the BS in Humanities be modified to simplify the degree requirements, including the elimination of distribution requirements for courses within the degree.
The motion passes by unanimous consent.
J. Snapper, member of the University Faculty Council, draws the attention of the UGSC to a draft definition of the Center for Professional Development, endorsed by the Faculty Council on Dec 8, 2006. Dr. Snapper reports that certain members of the UFC have asked if the UGSC wishes to implement a procedure for UGSC overview of undergraduate degrees offered by the CPD. The UGSC discussed the issue at length, reaching a consensus that the overview safeguards in the draft definition are adequate. As such the UGSC made no formal motion and took no formal action.
The Chair asks the UGSC to be ready at the April meeting to prepare a list of candidates for UGSC Chair for the 2007/8 academic year.
The Chair informs the UGSC that he is drafting a report on the IPRO program, to be presented to the UGSC at the next meeting. Mr. Jacobius informs the UGSC that he has provided additional information to the Chair concerning issues raised at the February meeting.
The Chair draws the attention of the UGSC to the motion of 3/07/06 concerning the need for procedures for determining which courses satisfy general education requirements. The UGSC establishes a subcommittee to draft a procedure: [Krawczyk, LoCicero, O'Leary, Pulliam, Towler, Welter].
Under new business,
(a) Dr. OšLeary draws attention to problems in the procedure for student evaluation of courses. Dr. Snapper notes that this issue is presently before the Student Affairs Committee of the UFC.
(b) Dr. Johnson draws attention to the new procedure for frequent reports on 1st year student progress in courses. The Chair will ask Assoc. Provost Gosz to discuss the procedure with the UGSC at its next meeting.
(c) Dr. LoCicero draws the attention to changes in the GPA criteria for merit scholarships. The Chair will ask Assoc. Provost Gosz to discuss the changes with the UGSC at its next meeting.
The UGSC schedules a meeting for March 27.