Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         04/12/11


Attending Voting Members: P. Arce (SGA), M. Bauer (CS), K. Ellington (Psych), M Gosz (MMAE), L. Hosman (SocSci), D. Kamper (BME), C. Koehler (MSED), R. Krawczyk (Arch), G. Pulliam (Hum), F. Ruiz (MMAE), M. Snyder (CAEE), K. Spink (BCPS), J. Twombly (SSB), R. Trygstad (ITM).


Attending IIT Guests: J. Braband (SSB), F. Bulaclac (Admissions), D. Gandara (Psych), D. Datchell (BME), G. Doyle (Admissions), T. Jacobius (IPRO), M. Lopez (Undergrad Acad. Affairs), J. May (Psych), G. Smith (Undergrad Acad. Affairs), R. Troyk (BME), G. Welter (Undergrad Acad. Affairs)


The meeting is chaired by John Snapper.

The Chair notes that there is a quorum for business. Convene 12:55 PM.

Adjourn 1:45 PM. The minutes are recorded by Greg Pulliam.


The minutes of the March 8th meeting are approved.


It was moved and seconded on March 8 that

            The (S) component of the HSS general education program includes at least

            one upper-division course.

The motion passes (11-1).


As requested by the Faculty Council, the UGSC continues to review the IPRO program. Dr Gatchell presents an overview of the IPRO courses presently being taught, including an in-depth discussion of how the newly designed IPRO-397 fits into the program. The presentation is here in PDF format.


It is moved and seconded that

            IPRO 397 be accepted for IPRO general education credit in the academic years 2011-12

            and 2012-13. There will be a further update on the effectiveness of the course in Spring 2012.

On the policy of the UGSC, a vote is deferred to the next meeting of the UGSC.


Dr. Troyk reminds the UGSC that he has been acting for several years as chair of the UFC IPRO Oversight Committee, charged by the faculty with the task of providing faculty oversight of the IPRO projects. Part of this committee's responsibilities is the review and assessment of proposals for IPRO projects on the basis of academic quality. Those reviews are used in the decision process for selecting IPROs as course offerings. Dr. Troyk suggests that the UGSC should take active oversight of that committee.