Undergraduate Studies Committee                              Minutes 4/13/10


Attending Voting Members: K. Ellington (Psych), A. Glodowski (BCPS), M. Gosz (MMAE), L. Hosman (SocSci), G. Fasshauer (Math), A. Flueck (ECE), D. Kamper (BME), C. Koehler (MSED), R. Krawczyk (Arch), D. Paola (SGA). V. Perez-Luna (ChBE), G. Pulliam (Hum), R. Ruiz (MMAE), M. Snyder (CAEE), K. Spink (BCPS), S. Sennott (Arch), A Tower (AF ROTC), R. Trygstad (ITM).


Attending IIT Guests: R. Betts (Dean, College of Sci and Ltrs), J. Dorr (Library), D. Geiger (Student Life), A. Smith (Tech News), G. Welter (Undergrad. Acad. Affairs).


The meeting is chaired by John Kallend.

The Chair notes that there is a quorum for business. Convene 12:45 PM.

John Kallend steps aside as Chair. John O’Leary takes over as chair 12:55.

Adjourn 1:45 PM. The minutes are recorded by John Snapper.


The minutes of the March 2, 2010 meeting are accepted by unanimous consent.


Dr. Gosz, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, brings back to the UGSC the proposed changes to the Student Handbook definition of probation discussed on 3/2/10. The changes are approved (13/0)


The UGSC considers the motion, moved and seconded on 3/2/10 that

-- Whereas the university has made significant commitment to improving student’s communication skills through the Communication across the Curriculum (CAC) program and its Communication Intensive (C) courses, and

-- Whereas, Courses carrying the (C) designation are required by the faculty to meet specific requirements regarding communication instruction, and

-- Whereas, The faculty have established a process for evaluating and periodically reviewing all (C) courses, and this process requires a full-time CAC director to implement it;

Therefore be it Resolved that

The faculty request the provost to move immediately to hire a full-time CAC director, to be in place before the beginning of the 2010-2011 academic year.

The motion passes. (11/4)


Michael Gosz informs the UGSC of modifications that are under consideration for an enhancement to the IPRO program. Under IPRO 2.0, students begin the IPRO sequence with a course in methods (including team formation, project planning, design thinking, prototyping, and collaborative innovation) used in the second tier of the IPRO program. There will be an experiment with one or two IPRO sections in academic year 10/11. If implemented after that trial, IPRO 2.0 will be a modification of IPRO in the general education program. For the present, the UGSC views Dr. Gosz’s presentation as an information item, not requiring a formal vote.


In compliance with the faculty mandate, Dr. Kallend distributes to the UGSC a summary of the IPRO stipend allocations (by college) during the present academic year.


The University Faculty Council asks the UGSC to suggest candidates for Chair of the UGSC in the upcoming academic year. The UGSC suggests that John Kallend and John Snapper be considered.




J. Snapper, Secretary to the UGSC