Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 4/15/05


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), M. Bauer (CS), T. Berkaliev (MSE), L. Coffey (BCPS), R. Gordon (PSYC), C. Hall (BME), P. Johnson (BCPS), J. LoCicero (ECE), K. McKee (MT), J. O'Leary (CAE), M. Poros (SOC), M. Power (HUM), G. Pulliam (HUM), G. Schipporeit (ARCH), E. Stueben (AM), R. Trygstad (ITM).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: T. McCain (Admissions), C. Orze. (Ed Services).


Attending Guests: T. Brock (Arch), R. Nicholes (Registrar), D. Robertson (ARCH), K. Smith (Multicural Programs), C. Stewart (Library), G. Welter (Ed Services).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business.


The minutes of the meetings of 3/10/05 are approved.


The Chair reports on action of the University Faculty Council on the USC resolution of 4/22/04 on the IPRO general education requirement. By a vote of 5/4, the Faculty Council has decided not to vote on the resolution, but to create a task force for further review of the resolution.


Prof. Schipporeit presented the UGSC with proposed modifications to the degree requirements for the B. Arch.

It is moved and seconded that

The UGSC approves modifications to the B. Architecture degree requirement. The UGSC will inform the Faculty Council of this approval.

The motion passes 12/0.


The UGSC considers a proposal to redefine the voting representation to the UGSC.


It is moved and seconded that the UGSC proposes that the Faculty Handbook definition of the voting membership of the UGSC be modified to include the statement:

Each Academic Unit (AU) offering one or more continuing undergraduate degree programs shall have one elected voting member on the UGSC. AU representatives to the UGSC may succeed themselves without limit.

The motion passes 10/0.


It is moved and seconded that the UGSC proposes that the Faculty Handbook definition of the voting membership of the UGSC be modified to include the statement:

AUs that have at least 8% of the average of full-time equivalent undergraduate majors and undergraduate student credit hours, determined in the previous year, shall have two elected two voting members on the UGSC.

The motion passes 10/0


The UGSC discusses the proposal that the Faculty Handbook definition of the voting membership of the UGSC be modified to include a statement that:

Special interest groups (perhaps including the combined ROTC program, the Student Government Association, and the Math and Science Education Program) shall have a voting member on the UGSC.

Discussion of the proposal will be continued at the next meeting.


The next meeting of the UGSC is April 28


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the USC.