Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 4/17/03


Attending Voting Members:   M. Bauer (CS), L. Coffey (BCPS), W. Grimshaw (SocSci),  C. Hall (BioMed), J. LoCicero (CE), A. Megri (CAE), J. OíLeary (CAE), M. Power (Hum), G. Pulliam (Hum), G. Saletta (ECE), K. Schug (BCPS), S. Sennott (Arch), E. Stueben (Math), J. Twombly (Stuart), A. Wolach (Psyc).


Non-Voting Attendees: B. Brenner (Admissions), A. Collver (SLC), J. Fisher (Undergrad. College),  D. Geiger (Student Life), Z. Hassan (Stuart), C. Orze (Ed.Services), J. Snapper (Undergrad College), D. Ucci (Office of the Provost), G. Voland (Undergrad College), J. Waters (Registrar), G. Welter (Ed. Services).


The meeting is chaired by Prof. Voland.


It is moved and seconded that IIT offer Bachelor of Science degrees in (a) Business Administration and (b) Business Administration and Applied Science.

Prof. Twombly presented the proposed degrees.


The USC took no votes.



Prof. Snapper

Secretary to the USC.