Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting, Tuesday, April 2, 2024
12:45 p.m. Online via Zoom

Attending Voting Members: Gruia Calinescu (CS), Promila Dhar (BME), David Gidalevitz (PHYS), Erin Hazard (HUM), Steve Kleps (CAEE), Kathiravan Krishnamurthy (FDSN), Eva Kultermann (ARCH), Nicole Legate (PSYC), Yuri Mansury (SSCI), David Maslanka (AMAT), Victor Perez-Luna (CHBE), Ray Trygstad (ITM/Secretary), John Twombly (SSB), Murat Vural (MMAE), Fred Weening (Chair)

Also Attending: Todd Diel (FDSN), Veronica Dillard (UGAA), Diane Fifles (University Accred), Kyle Hawkins (AMP), Mary Haynes (UGAA), Melanie Jones (Armour Academy), Tracey McGee (ELS), Nick Menhart (DVP Accreditation), Nichole Novak (Libraries), Shamiah Okhai (LCSL), Joseph Orgel (VPAA), Ayesha Qamer (Registrar), Hannah Ringler (CAC), Zipporah Robinson (Academic Success), Gabrielle Smith (AA), Mary Jorgenson Sullivan (ELS), Jeff Wereszczynski (UFC)

  1. The Second Reading of the B.S. in Information Communication & Data Visualization was presented by Hannah Ringler.
    Minor changes to the proposal were discussed and the point was made that this degree is effectively an updated version of what has been known as technical communication, with an emphasis on how to best communicate data.

    A motion to approve the the proposed Bachelor of Science in Information Communication & Data Visualization degree program was made by Eva Kultermann and was seconded by Ray Trygstad. The motion passed on a vote of 12 - 0.

  2. A follow-up on the Bachelor of Science in Communication: General Communication being put on hiatus was discussed by Erin Hazard.
    This was contingent on passing of the motion to approve the B.S. in Information Communication & Data Visualization. There was some discussion as to whether this constituted a second reading of this proposal but the committee concluded that since it had been discussed when the proposal for the new comm degree was introduced that this was, in facrt, the second reading.

    A motion to place the Bachelor of Science in Communication: General Communication on hiatus made by Ray Trygstad and was seconded by Eva Kultermann. The motion passed on a vote of 14 - 0.

  3. A proposal to place the Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition on hiatus was presented by Todd Diel.
    A key reason for the proposal is that the department does not have enough faculty to support this program, and there were assurances that the nine student currently enrolled in the degree would be able to complete their degree. This was the first reading of this proposal so it will be considered again at the next meeting of the Undergraduate Studies Committee.

As there were no further agenda items for this special meeting, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 1:07 pm.