Undergraduate Studies Committee                                         Minutes 4/22/04


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), S. Argamon (CS), M. Bauer (CS), G. Raman, MMAE, D. Cork (BCPS), C. Hall (BME), P. Johnson (BCPS), J. Kallend (MMAE), J. Lederman (MSED), J. LoCicero (ECE), A. Megri (CAE), K. McKee (MT), J. O'Leary (CAE), M. Ortiz (A. ROTC), M. Poros (SS), M. Power (HUM), G. Pulliam (Hum), F. Ruiz (MMAE), J. Saletta (ECE), W. Scheleser (Psych), E Stueben (AM), R. Trygstad (ITM), J. Twombly (SGSB), A. Wolach (IOP).


Non-Voting Attendees: K. Aragaki (Student), Brent Benner (Admissions), Bailey Brenner (Admissions), G. Broadhead (HUM), I. Dobbins (MAP), D. Ferguson (IBIS), J. Fischer (IBIS), D. Geiger (Student Affairs), K. Hurley (OTS), I. Khan (CSL), T. Jacobius (IBIS), C. Orze (Ed. Services), Sennott (ARCH), K. Schug (BCPS), S. Sitton (Asst. Provost), C. Stewart (Library), C. Uth (Library).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper (for Dean C. Wark).

Convene 12:55 PM. Adjourn 2:00 PM.


The minutes of the meeting of March 1, 2004 are approved.


The USC continues debate of the motion:

WHEREAS:    General Education presently requires that students take at least

six credits of IPRO,

WHEREAS:    Departments can require and students may elect to enroll in

more IPROs than demanded by General Education, and

WHEREAS:    The IPRO program is not adequately funded and academic units

are not adequately compensated for faculty resources assigned

to the IPRO program,



The General Education requirement be reduced to three

credit hours of IPRO.

It is moved and seconded that the USC call the question.

The motion to call the question passes (16,2)

The motion passes (13,8)


On behalf of the Institute of Psychology, Prof. Wolach distributes a description of:
            - proposed changes to the undergraduate psychology curriculae.
            - proposed changes in the listing of the non-calculus based statistics course.

It is moved and seconded that the proposals from the Institute of Psychology be considered motions of special order at the next meeting (Fall 04) of the USC.

The motion to so consider the proposals passes.


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the USC.