Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee



Attending Voting Members: B. Steffenson (SSCI), G. Pulliam (HUM/CAC), J. Miller (PSYC), G. Popovic (MSED), C. Torres (ARCH), J. Twombly (SSB), J. Cesarone (MMAE), M. Bauer (CS), R. Trygstad (ITM), R. Ellis (AMAT), N. Menhart (BIOL), J. Saniie (ECE), J. Budiman (CAEE), M. Safar (INTM), N. Karuri (CHBE), L. Coffey (PHYS), V. Shah (SGA), P. Troyk (BME).


Also attending: G. Welter (UGAA), J. Gorzkowski (UGAA), C. Emmons (Assessment), P. Zachocki (Registrar), V. Foster (Compliance) J. Kallend (ACE), J. Alexis (IPRO/ID), C. White (VP Academic Affairs), J. Snapper (UFC).


Absent departments:  ROTC, CHEM.

Quorum is declared at 12:48.

Adjourn at 1:46.

Documents pertaining to this meeting are at:


Meeting is chaired by Kathryn Spink.

Minutes recorded by Pulliam.


1)   Minutes of the 4/14/2015 meeting are approved.


Old Business

2) (Pulliam) CAC review of C-courses in Social Sciences Department. Report is accepted unanimously.


3) (Steffenson) Co-terminal BS in Economic Development Politcy/Master of Public dministration.  Approved unanimously.


4) (Menhart) ITP subcommittee Proposal:  Departments may continue to require their own ITPs, and may decide whether to accept transfer credit toward ITPs.  Passes 8-3.


5) (Spink) Grading Policy Subcommittee report on changing from a pure A, B, C, D, E grading system to one where plus and minus grades, or half-grades (0.5) are available to instructors.  Discussion.  Proposal to continue the discussion next AY passes 7-6.


6) (White) IPRO rebranding is coming.  Asks for input from members of the committee who are interested in working on this.


7) (Spink) UFC Academic Honestly Sub-Committee requests UGSC discuss requiring a 1-credit ethics course for all UG students as part of the core curriculum, in order to combat plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty.  UGSC (by consensus) sends it back to UFC for reconsideration, as it would add a full hour to every UG degree program.


(8) (Spink) Reinstatement procedures: discussion.  There are two types of such requests: from students who have been dismissed;  from students who have voluntarily withdrawn.  UGAA currently handles this. Some departments in ACE have not been consulted before reinstated students have been admitted to their programs, apparently due to an ACE policy.

