Undergraduate Studies Committee                                                      Minutes 4/8/08


Attending Voting Members: G. Fasshauer (AM), M. Gosz (MMAE), M. Huyck (Psych), J. Kallend (MMAE), Z. Lan (CS), J. Lederman (MSED), G. Pulliam (Hum), J. Saniie (ECE), J. Snapper (Hum), M. Snyder (CAE), K. Spink (BCPS), J. Twombly (Bus), R. Tygstad (CPD), G. Williamson (ECE).


Attending IIT Guests: G. Welter (Ed. Serv.), P. Zachocki (Registraršs office)


The meeting is chaired by John O'Leary.

The minutes are recorded by John Snapper.

Convene 12:50 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that there is a quorum for business.


The UGSC approves the minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2007, by unanimous consent.


Is it moved and seconded that:

The Undergraduate Studies Committee endorses the list of candidates (Fasshauer, Kallend, OšLeary, Snapper) suggested by the University Faculty Council for Chair of the UGSC in 08/09.

The motion passes by unanimous consent.


Acting as a committee of the whole, the UGSC reviewed the level of compensation to academic units for faculty who teach in the IPRO program. It is moved and seconded that the UGSC approves the statement:

The level of funding for stipends to the academic units has been adequate. The UGSC notes that increases in student numbers, without increases in resources, places the IPRO program under strain. The IIT administration appears to be aware of the situation.

The Motion passes by unanimous consent. The secretary will convey the statement to the UFC.


Dr. Snapper informs the UGSC that the UFC has passed a motion (03/04/08) to add a statement to the Faculty Handbook that affirms UGSC authority over the General Education Requirements.


Dr. Kallend draws the attention of the UGSC to the present Undergraduate Bulletin that adds, without UGSC endorsement, the phrase "project management" to the UGSC-approved statement of IPRO objectives. It is moved and seconded that the UGSC affirms:

The Undergraduate Studies Committee has final responsibility for approving the statement of the General Education Requirements in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

The motion passes (11,0). The Secretary will convey the statement to Undergraduate Bulletin Committee and to the University Faculty Council.


The UGSC asks the Secretary to make a discussion UGSC overview of Bulletin descriptions of academic programs an agenda item for the next meeting of the UGSC.


As chair of the committee to investigate registration of on-campus students in on-line courses, Dr. Kallend informs the UGSC that the committee does not have a report prepared at this time.


J. Snapper, Secretary to the UGSC