Undergraduate Studies Committee                                                      Minutes 05/02/06


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasain (CHE), G. Broadhead (HUM), L Coffey (BCPS), D. Cork (BCPS), G. Fasshauer (MATH), Peter Johnson (BCPS), J. Lederman (MSE), J. LoCicero (ECE), J. OšLeary (CAE), G. Pulliam (HUM), S. Sennott (ARCH), A. Towler (PSYC), R. Trygstad (ITM).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: M. A. Rowan (Assoc. Provost), A. Roy (SGA). C. Stewart (Library).


Attending IIT Guest: M. Gosz (Assoc. Provost), T. McCain (Und. Admissions), K. Spink (BCPS).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:20 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business.


The minutes of the meetings of 4/11/06 are approved.


It is moved and seconded that

                 The UGSC endorses the proposed BS in Biochemistry

The motion passes (13-0).

Prof. Snapper will inform the UFC of this action,

The next meeting of the UFS is in Fall 06.


Prof. Ucci introduces Prof. Gosz, who is entering into a new position as Assoc. Provost for Undergraduate Affars, as Prof. Ucci steps down from his position as Dean of the Undergraduate College. Prof. Gosz spoke to the Committee on his efforts to promote the quality of undergraduate education.


At the request of the UGSC, Prof. Snapper presents an summary of the compromise reached between the UFC and the Provost on the disputed features of the redefinition of the UGSC: (i) The Student Government Association will have a vote on condition that its representative has junior standing with a 2.5 or better GPA. (ii) ROTC will have a vote. (iii) The chair will be selected from a slate of at least two candidates given to the Provost by the UFC.


It is moved and seconded that:

The UGSC inform the UFC that the UGSC objects to the suggested compromise on the manner of appointment of the Chair of the UGSC; and the UGSC recommends that the UFC brings this matter to the attention of the North Central Association.

The motion passes (8-4).

Prof. Snapper will inform the UFC of this action.


IT is moved and seconded that

Whereas, Professor Donald Ucci has served diligently as chair of this Committee for three years;

Whereas, Professor Ucci has even handedly and courteously referred debate; and

Whereas, Professor Ucci has served as a staunch supporter of this body, as well as undergraduate education in the whole; now,

Therefore, be it Resolved,

That this body wishes to extend a deep sense of gratitude to Professor Donald Ucci for his years of service to this Committee.

The motion passes (13-0).


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the UGSC.