Undergraduate Studies Committee
Minutes of Meeting 5/3/01
Present: Dean A. Myerson (chair), P. Anderson, M. Bauer, S. Elbaz, J.
Kallend, J. LoCicero, A. Megri, J. O'Leary, R. Price, G. Pulliam, G.
Saletta, S. Sitton, E. Stueben, V. Turitto, D. Ucci, D. Venerus, G. Voland,
C. Wark, J. Way, G. Welter, A. Wolach

1. The minutes of the meeting held 4/16/01 were approved.

2. Discussion resumed on IPRO resolution 1. G. Voland made an announcement
that academic unit budgets would be credited with $4,000 for each IPRO
conducted by a lead faculty from that unit. The source of these funds will
be 75% external this year. Further discussion: GS, JL, AM, CW, GV, DV, JK,
SE, DU. J. O'Leary moved to lay the discussion on the table pending
completion of item 3. Motion was seconded and passed.

3. V. Turitto distributed a revised description of the proposed BS in
Biomedical Engineering that incorporated suggestions from the committee.
Discussion: GP, JL, GS, JO'L, ES, DV. J. O'Leary moved to suspend debate.
Motion was seconded and carried. The motion to approve the BS in BME program
was approved nem.con.

4. Discussion resumed on IPRO resolution 1. D. Venerus moved an amendment
to replace the final paragraph with: "Resolved: that the General Education
Requirement for IPRO be reduced to three credit hours." Discussion on this
amendment: GV, GW, JL, DU, JW. J. O'Leary moved to postpone until the next
meeting by special order. Motion was seconded and carried.

5. Dean Myerson thanked the committee for its work this year, and the
meeting adjourned.


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John Kallend