Undergraduate Studies Committee

Minutes of Meeting 9/21/2000

 Present: A. Myerson (chair), M. Bauer, J. Kallend, C. Karidis, J. LoCicero, A. Megri, J. O'Leary, C. Orze, R. Price, G. Pulliam, J. Saletta, R. Schleser, S. Sitton, E. Stueben, T. Tagliavia, J. Todd, D. Venerus, C. Wark, G. Welter

 1. Dean Myerson welcomed the committee, and the members introduced themselves.

 2. Prof. Pulliam introduced a proposal from the Lewis Department of Humanities to redesignate current ENGL courses as COM (communications) or LIT (literature) as appropriate to the course content. Discussion: Saletta, LoCicero, Todd, Orze, Bauer. A vote on this proposal will be taken at the October meeting.

 3. Prof. LoCicero proposed that the ad-hoc subcommittee studying the ITP credit hour proposal be asked to report out its findings. After determining that the subcommittee was not in a position to make a report, Dean Myerson suggested that all UGSC program representatives consult with their colleagues on this issue. The 1995 report on HAWK/ITP will be redistributed.

 4. Prof. LoCicero described three examples of changes relating to undergraduate academics that had been announced without consultation with or approval from the UGSC.  They are:

Prof. Kallend was asked to invite J. Fisher and G. Voland to address the UGSC about ENPROs and other initiatives.

 5. Prof. Pulliam described changes to the Technical and Professional Communications minor program, including a name change to Professional and Technical Communications.

 6. Minutes of the 2000-2001 meeting will be distributed electronically.

 7. Dean Myerson requested all programs to select three or four quality programs in their discipline from other universities, and compare total credit hours and major credit hours with the IIT programs.

 8. Next meetings: 10/17/00, 11/7/00 (please note date changes)

 Jk 9/22/00