Undergraduate Studies Committee                          9/27/11


Attending Voting Members: Mark Snyder (CAEE), F. Ruiz, (MMAE), K. Spink (BIOL), J. Ovhori (SGA), R. Trygstad (ITM), G. Fasshauer (AM), S. Whitney (MSED), M. Safar (INTM), M. Beckman (CS), Y. Torun (PHYS), J. Twombly (SSB), D. Kamper (BME), F. Teymour (CHBE), J. Hopkins (PSYC), G. Pulliam (HUM)


Also attending: M. Gosz (Provost's Office), J. Dorr (Galvin), P. Zachocki (Registrar), M. Lopez, G. Smith, G. Welter (UGAA), T. Anderson (SSB).


The meeting is chaired by Matt Bauer.

Chair notes there is a quorum at 12:50 p.m. Meeting is convened.

Adjourn: 1:42 p.m. Minutes record by Greg Pulliam.


1) The minutes of the 9/13/2011 meeting are approved unanimously, with one change.


2) Discussion and approval of new BS in Business Administration (Tom Anderson of SSB). Discussion primarily centers on issues of specializations/concentrations vs. minors. Degree is approved unanimously and will be sent to the UFC. PDF versions of the program as passed and of the course descriptions are the in UGSC documents folder.


3) Discussion and approval of "IPRO Review Subcommittee (IRS) Charter Document." Various changes are made to the document, and it is approved unanimously. That document is as follows:


Charter for the IPRO Review Subcommittee of the Undergraduate Studies Subcommittee


The IPRO Review Subcommittee of the Undergraduate Studies Subcommittee charter is to review and approve IPRO Projects to ensure they meet the UGSC approved IPRO standards, and to rank proposals in merit order. Current standards are in the "IPRO Proposal Academic Review Form". The UGSC will review learning objectives and quality standards relating to IPROs once per year, with feedback from the IPRO Review Subcommittee and IPRO office. Final decisions on which IPROs will be offered are the responsibility of the IPRO office and Deans.


The process for reviewing and approval should be flexible enough to allow authors of the rejected or "on hold" proposals an opportunity to consider the IPRO Review Subcommittee's feedback, revise and resubmit for approval in time for the project's inclusion in next semester's IPRO offerings. Also, the process should allow for a second round of proposals submitted at the end of the term (from IPRO397 or outside sponsors) for approval. The IPRO office will ensure that all proposals adhere to the proposal format and meet the requirements before asking the committee to review. Appeals of an IPRO Review Subcommittee decision can be made to the IPRO office and Dean.


The IPRO Review Subcommittee should have 10-15 faculty members, with widespread representation. Members should serve for a minimum of one year, with no limit on service. The IPRO Review Subcommittee will elect a chair for the academic year from their members, and a vice-chair to serve as chair-in-waiting.


Discussion and approval of IRS membership. Three of the 12 members from 2010-2011 are dropped and replaced by three new members. The vote is 11-1 to approve the changes. The membership changes are:


Returning members: Beckman (CS), Braband (Stuart), Krawczyk (ARCH), Lane (PSYC), Menhart (BIOL), Safar (INTM), Schug (CHEM), Snyder (CAE), Troyk (BME).


New members: Matt Spenko (MMAE), Manesh Krishnamurthy (ECE), Jennifer Kang-Mieler (BME).


Non-returning (2010-2011) members: Mostovoy (MMAE), Rempfer (MMAE), Wong (ECE).