Undergraduate Studies Committee                                      Minutes 9/08/05


Attending Voting Members: J. Abbasian (CHE), M. Bauer (CS), L. Coffey (BCPS), D. Cork (BCPS), G. Fasshauer (MATH), C. Hall (BME), P. Johnson (BCPS) J. Lederman (MSE), J. LoCicero (ECE), A. Megri (CAE), J. O’ÄôLeary (CAE), M. Poros (SOC), G. Saletta (ECE), J. Snapper (HUM), A. Towler (PSYC), R. Trygstad (ITM), J. Twombly (IBIS).


Attending Ex-Officio Members: C. Orze. (Ed Services), S. Sitton (Asst. Provost), C. Steward (Library).


The meeting is chaired by Dean D. Ucci.

The minutes are recorded by Dean J. Snapper.

Convene 12:45 PM. Adjourn 1:45 PM.


The Chair notes that the UGSC has a quorum for business.


The minutes of the meetings of 5/28/05 are approved.


The Chair informs the UGSC that the proposed redefinition of the UGSC passed during the 04/05 meetings will be forwarded to the Faculty Council in the present semester.


Mr. Stewart, the Acting Dean of the Library, informs the UGSC that the library will now stay open later: until midnight Sunday through Thursday.


The Committee considers the motion of 5/28/05 that

There be a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option for midterm grades, in addition to the A-E letter grade option.

The motion fails (7-10).


Carole Orze, Chair of the Undergraduate Bulletin Committee, informs the UGSC that we will be producing a new Undergraduate Bulletin, to be ready for press in May 06. Prof. LoCicero asks departments to review of course descriptions to ensure accurate statements of course content. The Chair asks the departments to pay particular attention to course pre- and co-requisites.


Greg Fasshauer, Assoc. Chair of Applied Mathematics, informs the UGSC that the Dept. of Applied Mathematics is now reviewing the mathematics service courses, including the choice of applications software, the balance between the study of applications and theory, the use of graduate students as teaching assistants, and other matters. The UGSC discussed the issues.


The Chair proposed a form to be used in the presentation of new programs to the UGSC. The UGSC offered suggestions on particular items in that form.


Prof. Johnson asks the UGSC to consider guidelines on student use of electronic equipment with communications capability during course examinations.


Since the 2nd Thursday of Oct is a university holiday, the Chair reschedules the Oct. meeting.

The next meeting of the UGSC is Oct 11 at 12:45-1:45.

For future meetings, the regular location is Room 202 Siegel Hall.


Prof. Snapper

Acting Secretary to the UGSC.