IIT Core Curriculum Assessment Report to UGSC 4/25/17

Rebecca Steffenson, Carol Emmons, Xiaofan Li, Greg Pulliam, Phil Troyk, Paul Anderson

Geoffrey Williamson


1)The HLC has expressed concerns with IIT assessment of the core curriculum and has requested an interim assessment report due October 2018.

·       The HLC wants

§  evidence of direct evidence of student learning from each learning goal from 2016-2017, 2017-2018

§  evidence of a collaborative faculty review process

§  evidence of using review process to inform changes to core curriculum.

2) The IIT Core Curriculum Assessment Committee is working this semester to assess student work in IPRO with rubrics designed to test whether students are able to demonstrate core curriculum learning goals through:

·       Assessment of group work at IPRO day

·       Assessment of individuals by IPRO instructors.

3) Going Forward 

·       Information from the IPRO assessment will be transmitted back to UGSC in the fall.

·       A Core Curriculum Map needed for ITP, S, H, C, N, CS, Math, IPRO courses.

·       The IIT Core Curriculum Assessment Committee will work with UGSC (and the UGSC core curriculum course subcommittees) to make sure the assessment process is linked to curriculum development.

·       It is possible that we will need to assess other parts of the core curriculum in the future.

IIT Core Curriculum Learning Objectives (adopted by UGSC)

In concert with and complementing core learning objectives within the various degree programs, general education contributes significantly to IIT's overall goal that its graduates:




Be committed to positive change in their communities, nations and the world, able to:

·      Identify and analyze contemporary issues and problems.

·      Compare and contrast different points of view, both within and across cultures.




Think critically, viewing problems as opportunities for innovation, able to:

·      Appropriately employ multiple quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis and evaluation.

·      Employ the best available technology to achieve solutions.




Collaborate professionally and ethically, able to:

·      Work successfully with others within and across disciplines and cultures.

·      Identify and discuss ethical issues.




Communicate effectively, able to:

·      Establish an objective, and clearly and cohesively support it.

·      Speak and write in a manner that does not require significant work by the audience to fill in needed information or to ignore linguistic distractions. 

·      Speak and write appropriately within and across disciplines and cultures.