TO: Members of the Undergraduate Studies Committee (UGSC)

FROM: Greg Pulliam, Director of Communication Across the Curriculum (CAC), and Ray Trygstad and Limia Shunia of the IPRO Review Committee

RE: Review of C-components in the Interprofessional Projects (IPRO)

DATE: April 23, 2019


Over the Spring 2019 term, the CAC conducted a review of the C-components of IPRO courses in order to ensure they were in compliance with the UGSC-established criteria for such courses.  The UGSC mandates that a committee be established to do this, made up of the CAC director (Pulliam), a faculty member from IPRO (Limia Shunia) appointed by that department’s chair/director, and a faculty member from outside of IPRO (Ray Trygstad of SAT) nominated by the CAC director and approved by the IPRO chair/director.


Because IPROs are similar to “topics” courses, in that every semester sees a different set of projects, it is not possible to do individual reviews of each and every such course. Instead, IPRO has developed two documents which steer all instructors toward implementing all of the necessary elements—including communication-related elements.  These documents are (1) the “Agreement Concerning IPRO Program Expectations of Faculty Who Serve as IPRO Instructors” and (2) the “IPRO Syllabus Template,” and they are attached to the files for IPRO 397 and IPRO 497. Items which pertain to the C-designation are highlighted in these documents.


Both IPRO 397 and IPRO 497 have been re-certified as C-courses as a result of this process.


Decisions were unanimous among the three committee members. The complete documentation for these decisions and the process used to reach them are on file in the office of the CAC director (SH 213), as required by the UGSC.


The CAC and the review committee submit the results of this review to the UGSC for its formal acceptance, and ask that (if accepted) these results be forwarded to the registrar for the action necessary to put them into effect. They should also be forwarded to the Faculty Council as an informational item.