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ManufacturingEngineeringMinor.pdf 2019-09-06 15:09 43K Adobe Portable Document Format
AdvisingBestPractices_3-9-18.pdf 2019-09-09 14:57 96K Adobe Portable Document Format
Revised_AMP admission and administration guidelines_01NOV2019.pdf 2019-11-05 14:34 42K Adobe Portable Document Format
RubricforAssessingCoreCurriculumLearningObjectives11-2019.PDF 2019-11-11 15:34 68K Adobe Portable Document Format
CoreCurriculumMap.PDF 2019-11-11 15:35 31K Adobe Portable Document Format
ProposedCoreCurriculumAssessmentPlan.html 2019-11-14 14:46 7.4K Web page
SyllabusComputationalSocialScience2019S-revised.pdf 2019-11-19 13:54 162K Adobe Portable Document Format
ROTCreviewmemo2019.pdf 2019-11-20 13:47 16K Adobe Portable Document Format
SSBreviewmemo2019.pdf 2019-11-20 13:47 15K Adobe Portable Document Format
Cat2-3FacultyResolution.pdf 2019-11-20 15:19 50K Adobe Portable Document Format
IIT-NLUmemoofunderstanding.pdf 2019-11-21 13:16 1.9M Adobe Portable Document Format
APAN curriculum changes 2019-2020.pdf 2019-11-22 13:18 61K Adobe Portable Document Format
IDMinorProposal.pdf 2019-12-04 12:29 93K Adobe Portable Document Format
MinorChangestoPhysicsPrograms-2020S.html 2020-01-23 14:32 4.7K Web page
IntensiveOnlineCourses.pdf 2020-02-05 15:39 315K Adobe Portable Document Format
Applied Economics Proposal.pdf 2020-02-10 16:53 287K Adobe Portable Document Format
FDSN-UG-Proposal-February-5-2020.pdf 2020-02-10 17:05 1.4M Adobe Portable Document Format
ResidencyProposal.pdf 2020-02-11 12:16 54K Adobe Portable Document Format
INTM_Curriculum_Updates_2020-21.pdf 2020-02-24 16:02 335K Adobe Portable Document Format
IPRO_LO_Winter_2020_V4.pdf 2020-02-24 16:22 54K Adobe Portable Document Format
Human_Sciences_Module_Proposal.pdf 2020-03-06 15:55 34K Adobe Portable Document Format
NewCourseDeliveryMethodsGuidelines.pdf 2020-03-06 16:00 52K Adobe Portable Document Format
I course pilot continuation language.pdf 2020-03-19 15:25 28K Adobe Portable Document Format
I course update Mar 2020.pdf 2020-03-19 15:25 50K Adobe Portable Document Format
OnlineCoursePermitSuspensionProposal.html 2020-04-13 14:06 2.3K Web page
UGSCagenda4-21-2020.html 2020-04-17 16:02 80K Web page
TransferCoursePolicyChange4-2020.html 2020-04-21 13:31 2.1K Web page