Curriculum Changes from CAEE


Changes for BS Civil degree:

1. Including ENVE 201 Earth Enviro Sci, or CAE 221, or PHYS 360 , or BIOL 105 as CAE Additional Science Requirement.

Students are encouraged to take ENVE 201, but other listed additional science electives are acceptable with advisor approval.

Changes for both BS CE and BS ARCE include:

1. Requiring the new CAE 496 FE Exam prep (0 hour) course.

2. A proposed footnote language on technical electives (9 hours in ARCE and 12 hours in CE) to limit the number of EG courses that can be taken as technical electives to just one course:

"All technical electives must be CAE, ENVE, or EG courses at the 400-level or above. A maximum of one EG course should be used as a CAEE technical elective."