Undergraduate Studies Committee

Tuesday, March 8 2022

Zoom Meeting


1.   Approval of minutes 2/22/2021:  http://www5.iit.edu/~ugsc/2-22-2022minutes.html

2.   Notes from Chair

a.   We only have 3 more meetings for the AY - March 22, April 12 (last date for dual degrees to be presented for first reading for passage this year), and April 26

b.   Periodic review of programs:  ARCH, BIO, PSYC need to fill out the periodic review form for their UG degree programs and present to UGSC

3.   Dual Degree BS CIS + BS Psychology [Glavic, Legate]

4.   IAI Update [Okhai]

5.   Intensive Courses  [Himes] Continued Discussion   

a.   Recommendation from ALO

6.   Permit requirement for UG into online sections [general discussion]