UGSC – January 2022 Changes Submitted in CIM



BS Civil Engineering (BS CE)

1)   Add ENVE 401 Water Resources Engineering as required course; fulfills an important (previously missing) FE exam topic area. Replaces a technical elective, reducing the number of technical electives required from 4 to 3 (and also makes it the same number, 3, as our BS ARCE program). Does not affect total credit hours.

2)   Update courses for specializations in Environmental Engineering and Transportation Engineering to reflect modern offerings and industry needs. Specializations are optional; not required. Does not affect credit hours.


Certificate in Engineering Graphics and CAD (CER EGC)

Place on hiatus with goal of elimination. Program was a relic, a 21 hour certificate, and poorly subscribed. It was the only UG certificate we’re aware of and the Minor in Engineering Graphics and CAD serves a similar purpose more effectively.


Minor in Engineering Graphics and CAD (Minor, EGC)

Update course listing to reflect modern offerings (in both CAEE and MMAE) and reduce credit hours to more conventional 15 hours.


Minor in Construction Management (Minor, CM)

Replace one class (ECON 423) with CAE 474 Intro to BIM. Does not affect credit hours but reflects modern offerings and industry needs.


Minor in Transportation Engineering (Minor, TE)

Update course listing to reflect modern offerings and industry needs.


Minor in Railroad Engineering (Minor, RRE)

Propose new minor in railroad engineering to align with our strengths and interests among students, especially the multidisciplinary Illinois Tech Railroad Club.