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[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory - [   ] UGSC_IT_Support_Resolution.pdf 2017-09-22 18:46 66K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] STS_Program_Form_UGSC.pdf 2018-02-13 09:41 639K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] StatisticsMinor-AMAT-2-12-18.pdf 2018-02-12 13:46 306K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] SourcesOfStudentsGraduatingWithHonors2011-2017.pdf 2017-09-08 16:59 64K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] SGA_Graduating_with_Honors_Proposal.pdf 2017-10-06 19:15 104K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] SGA Comments on Graduating with Honors.pdf 2017-09-08 16:47 80K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Review_of_C-courses_in_the_ECE_Department_2018.pdf 2018-03-26 16:44 60K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Review_of_C-courses_in_the_CS_Department_2018.pdf 2018-03-26 16:44 60K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 4-30-18.pdf 2018-04-30 16:53 125K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 3-30-18.pdf 2018-03-30 12:09 96K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 2-27-18.pdf 2018-02-27 17:30 107K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 11-27-17.pdf 2017-11-27 12:28 81K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 11-1-17.pdf 2017-11-01 23:35 88K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 10-13-17.pdf 2017-10-12 10:00 114K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Report of the Undergraduate Studies Committee 1-31-18.pdf 2018-02-01 13:34 93K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Proposal_for_Centralized_Advising_for_New_First_Year_Students_2-12-18.pdf 2018-02-12 14:28 76K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Proposal_-_BS_in_Computer_and_Cybersecurity_Engineering_2-8-18.pdf 2018-02-09 14:23 291K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Proposal_-_BS_in_Computer_and_Cybersecurity_Engineering_1-21-2018.pdf 2018-01-22 22:10 1.0M Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] ITM_Information_Items_Jan_2018.pdf 2018-02-07 15:44 133K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Guidelines_for_E-courses.pdf 2018-04-22 21:00 115K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] GraduatingWithHonors-PercentageByTerm.pdf 2017-09-26 15:21 63K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Future_of_IPRO_committee_to_UGSC_mar_2018.pdf 2018-03-27 12:24 168K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Current_vs_SGA_Proposed_honors_designations.pdf 2017-10-24 12:13 109K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] CoterminalProposal_BSPhysics-MSHealthPhysics.pdf 2018-03-26 16:44 80K Adobe Portable Document Format [TXT] CoreCurriculumGoals2013.html 2014-09-23 14:51 7.9K Web page [   ] Computer Science Honors Research Specialization.pdf 2018-02-07 15:23 63K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] ComputationalMathMinorRequirements.pdf 2017-09-12 09:40 53K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] CIM_flyer.pdf 2017-11-10 16:14 327K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] CenterForDisabilityResourcesPresentation.pdf 2018-04-30 16:06 316K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] BWP_Bulletin_Language.pdf 2018-01-22 22:13 114K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] BS_in_Cybersecurity_and_IT_Proposal_2017.pdf 2017-10-06 19:25 1.0M Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] BS_in_Applied_Cybersecurity_and_IT_Proposal_2017.pdf 2017-11-20 12:41 1.0M Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] BS-Statistics-UG-Program_Proposal.pdf 2018-02-13 09:37 455K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] BINTM_curriculumadjustments_April2018.pdf 2018-04-22 21:00 93K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Bchm-Psyc_Dual_Degree_Program_to_UGSC_v1.0.pdf 2018-01-22 22:28 694K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] Bach. of Architecture Site Planning Course.pdf 2018-02-07 15:23 153K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] ArmourCo-terminalsUG-MEngMapping2-8-2018.xlsx 2018-02-09 14:23 41K Microsoft Excel document [   ] ArmourCo-terminalProposals(Word).zip 2018-02-12 21:29 764K GZIP compressed archive [   ] ArmourCo-terminalProposals(pdf).zip 2018-02-12 21:28 3.9M GZIP compressed archive [   ] ARCH-CAEEreviewmemo.pdf 2017-11-20 12:40 73K Adobe Portable Document Format [   ] AdvisingBestPractices_3-9-18.pdf 2018-03-26 16:44 96K Adobe Portable Document Format
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